Chapter 41: Hide

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I wake up feeling overly warm in a queen sized bed. The rays of the sun peeking through the curtains dimly brighten up the room. I turn on my left side and take a look at the digital clock on the nightstand next to my bed. Twelve thirty seven pm.

I sluggishly climb out of bed and head into the bathroom. After taking a warm shower and slipping into the same clothes as yesterday, I make my way to the apartment's kitchen.

Scanning through the cupboards, I'm left with nothing. The whole kitchen was empty. I sigh and walk over to Heath's room. I cautiously knock on his door. Once there's no reply, I open his door.

The room was empty. I sigh in emptiness as my stomach growls in hunger. Having no options as to how to fill my stomach, I decide to avert my attention towards the TV. I switch channels until I stop at The Vampire Diaries.

The Vampire Diaries wasn't really helping my mind set as the ripper Stefan decapitated people and blood was everywhere. The blood just gave me images of the night. I couldn't take a minute longer of it and decided to turn it off.

Frustrated with my mind and actions. I sit on the couch with my knees up against my chest.

I didn't mean to kill him. I didn't want to. I just wanted it to hit his arm or leg. Why is life so much more complicated than it has to be? How will I live with this guilt?

I mean the guy must have a family. A mother who loved him endlessly, a father, a sister, a girlfriend, a daughter, or a son. There's endless relationships that he could've had, and they all ended because of me.

One stupid aim. One stupid shot. I killed that guy. I silently sob into my lap.

I'm breaking down. I can't break down. I have to stay strong. You have to stay strong Riley. For Heath. What you did and what you will do will be for Heath and his happiness. You promised you'll help. I remind myself.

I hear the door knob being played with from the outside. I instantly wipe away my tears and take deep breaths. I put on the most realistic smile I could as Heath walked in holding a couple of shopping bags. He closes the door before he turns around and puts on a smile. I clear the unnoticed lump in my throat," Where were you?"

"I went to get some cash and I also didn't know how long we'll have to hide for, so I brought us some clothes." He says walking towards me. He hands me one of the bags once he's stood in front of me.

"Thanks." I smile.

"I also brought food. Hope you like a salad from Mcdonalds."

"I could eat a horse." I grab the take out bag from him. I pull out one of the two salads and start eating. Heath puts the bags down and does the same.

"I also bought this backpack. Pack anything necessary just incase we have to run anytime soon." I nod. We didn't talk as we ate. I guess, I was too scared to ask him about anything. What if we can't go home?

I take Heath's empty bowl on the way to the garbage and dump them in. "Riley, can we talk?" Heath asks just before I can enter my room. I smile and nod. Be strong.

I walk over to him and sit down on the couch. Heath sits down beside me. We both face each other.

"Here's some money." He says taking something out of his pocket. He then hands me the bundle of cash. The bundle mostly contained one hundred and five hundred bills.

"Heath I can't take this much money from you."

"It's just for now, you can pay me later if you have to." I nod and stuff the money into my jacket.

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