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There it is again.

Do you know what it is? Can you hear them?

They are the hyena, the squealing hamster, and the bird trilling in this symphony of joy.

Does it catch your eye as well?

Heads thrown back, the jello shaking in their abdomens, the near asphyxiation?

Tell me,

Does it spread to you?

Does light illuminate your face as those beloved corners, those dimple makers, those zygomatic arches pull that lemon wedge into shape?

How long does it last? Long enough for you to feel that ache?

And tell me,

Does it save you?

That lifeguard who pulls you out just as you are about to lose yourself in this sea of numbness and apathy.

That gasping breath.

That consciousness.

That life.

This... is what you have been waiting for.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2013 ⏰

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