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McBrien POV

I never hated Monday's or mornings but this particular morning all I wanted was to shut my eyes again and tune out the world. Since Friday and Saturday with Arie, all I could think of was all of the difficulty we would face in life. Not only the fact that our relationship was taboo but that she clearly had some weird things going on inside her, some days it seemed like her brain was made of jello. I love her, that I know, but am I capable of keeping her put together? That I'm completely unsure of. I rolled from my side of the bed to hers, i lay with my arm out stretched to where she would be- curled up on her stomach with my arm cuddled to her chest like it was a teddy bear, it wasn't all that comfortable but it kept her happy and made her feel safe. I let out a huge sigh and pushed myself up and out of bed, the cold floor shocking my feet. The entire was going to be a blur, maybe I could call in sick... No, I can't run from my problems. I pulled on the first t-shirt and pair of blue jeans I found, followed by shoes sans my socks. I didn't bother eat breakfast, my body was full enough. I jogged from the front door after locking it to my car. I turned the key and peeled out as fast as I could, the wind coming through the doorless threshold around my face. I hope that the moment I see her all of these panicked feelings go, that all will feel right again. I pulled into the teacher parking lot and hopped down, taking my phone out to check the text
Goooood morning, meine liebling
I sent a short reply before heading towards the entrance, avoiding the hollers from the soccer team, I was in no mood for their shit today. I sat in my chair in the room with the door locked and the lights off, dreading the day. When the bell rang for first period to begin I groaned and pulled up the make-up day slide. I unlocked the door and turned the lights on. When all the kids had filed in I stood in front of the room with my arms crossed
"Alright, I'm in a shit mood and I'm my going to be having any fooling around, if you have work to do, do it. If you don't, play on your phone. Just be quiet"
I looked around the room, they all looked astonished at my tense behavior. I was always so laid back, damn that girl for doing that to me. I looked at Donald who was sitting there basically just twiddling his thumbs, I beckoned him closer with my finger. I sat behind my desk with him standing before it. When I opened my mouth what came out was nearly a whisper.
"What do you know about Arie Wagner?"
His eye brows raised a little and he looked like he was smirking
"Only what she tells me"
I huffed, he was going too way to difficult for me not to want punch him.
"And what has she told you?"
"Not a lot, she's not really an open book"
"Do you know anything about her mental state? Any, uhm, disorders she may have?"
"No, like I said, she's closed off"
I sighed, I felt like I wasn't telling him everything but I don't think I could argue it out of him.
"I'm worried about her"
He cracked a small smile, nearly even chuckled but kept his eyes on me.
"I'm sure you are, she doesn't have out bursts in class though so what would make you worry?"
"She spends the afternoons with me, practice and everything"
"Look, I know her and I know that whatever you've witnessed was not here or after school"
"No, you look, regardless of how I know it's important that I do"
The smile on his face disappeared and he sighed
"All I know is that she has ADHD and sometimes fits of anxiety"
"That's all?"
"I can try to find out more but..."
"But what?"
"You have to tell me why you're so concerned"
"I like her, she's a good kid"
"I have a growing suspicion about you, I think you more than like her"
It was my turn to sigh and I look at the rest of the class. I bowed my head and mulled whether or not I should say it, I could feel his eyes on me and almost started to panic
"Fine. Fuck it, I love her"

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