When You Get Drunk

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(I apologize for its shortness - real life is really doing my head in. yasbro123 gets another cookie: (.:::.) )

Jeff The Killer

After the tragic demise of your shiny red laptop, you fell into a downward spiral of drinking and depression, all in the span of one night.

Jeff came over to your house with a special suprise; a box containing - well, I won't spoil it.

"Y/N! Come over here for a minute!"

You came stumbling in from the bathroom with a toilet plunger stuck over your head.

"Jeffy boy! I hope you got mer documents!"

"I... Documents?" He repeated, looking confused.

"Mer documents! Give me mer documents!"

The drunken you spotted the laptop box that was tucked under his arm.

"Mer documents! Gimme those documents!"

You snatched the box from him and ran off upstairs, cackling like a lunatic.

BEN Drowned... In darkness?

You sighed and took another swig of whiskey, mourning the loss of a shiny Pokèmon that you'd never caught.

(All excess hiccuping has been omitted by the PSOC)

"BEN Jammin'! Get yo butt down here!"

BEN poked his head around the door, looking genuinely scared. He'd never seen nor heard you so tipsy before

"Y/N...? Should I call a doctor?"

You grinned happily and yanked him forward by the front of his tunic.

"C'mere, ya big ball of love!"

The little elf stumbled forward, then found himself being squashed against your chest.

"I-I can't breathe!" He stammered, going red in the face.

"You're such a goooood boy!" You slurred/laughed in a drunken stupor, ruffling his hair as you hugged him tightly.

Dark Link~

Darkness decided to pay you a visit in the evening. He brought along popcorn and chocolate, of course.

"Sweet angel? Are you home?"

He stepped into the house, uneasily keeping one hand on the door handle just in case he needed to make a quick getaway.

"Y/N? Dearest angel - are you here?"

All of a sudden, you fell from the ceiling fan and landed right on top of him, giggling and hiccuping.

The ghost of C/N floated past and stopped when he saw you both sprawled out on the floor. Oh no, he didn't try to help or anything, he quickly gathered up all the fallen popcorn and chocolate and made a break for it.

Laughing Wolfy

L.J gently poked you on the nose with a claw, looking concerned and ready to burst out into hysterical laughter.

"Y/N? Are you dead?"

You pressed your hand against his face and pushed him away.

"Shhh! I'm watching deh fishies!"

The monochrome clown glanced at the blue lamp that had been sitting on the coffee table all night. The shade had a print of various fish swimming around.

You had been sitting on the couch, just staring at it unmovingly.

"Okay, my sweet gummy- Hey wait, does this mean I can eat all the candy in your secret stash?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"Yay! I love you so much~"

An Unspecified Time, At The Banquet Hall Entrance...

The taxi dropped them off with the promise to be back in two hours to pick them up. The reunion hall's archway towered over their heads menacingly.

Smiley tipped his head back to look in awe, holding Slendy's "present" safely.

Evelyn's family must be rich...

Smirky glanced over his shoulder and watched the taxi drive away.

Was the trunk wide open when we got in....?

Both of the doctors couldn't dwell on their respective thoughts for long, because soon Evelyn came trotting down to greet them.

She was wearing a dress that must've cost a fortune, uncomfortably high high heels and enough makeup to qualify for clown auditions.

"Thank you so much for coming... I- I can't handle all these posh relatives and their expectations! I can't even take off these stupid heels and wear something practical! I-"

A/N: The Reunion is underway. Death is upon us. I'm feeling under the weather, partially because it's rainy and cloudy and I've still got a cough.

On the bright side, we've got another pregnant cat and a little hyperactive kitten in our garden. They aren't as friendly as the last two strays, but who knows?



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