Chapter 12 ~part 2~

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Sorry it took so 'long', yeah not really. But you guys are really impatient. I love you guys so I made a promise to make this chapter today, even though i'm really tired.... I am loyal to my fans. You guys made this book into something and with your help it's very successful!! I saw that it was #23 Werewolf and #29 Non-Teen Fiction! I am so glad you guys are loving this story, and I've got many wishes for Ray's POV so im gunna do it... goodbye Adam's Pov. Lol so heres the chapter since I bet only half of you read my babbling....



Ray's P.O.V

When I first heard that my mate was alive, I was relieved because at least she was still in this world and didn't die because of me. I lied to her, cheated on her and I know I tore her heart out. But I really can't live without her.

I made a plan to get her. It wasn't like I even loved her. My wolf was just begging for her and about a month without her, I just couldn't survive. I literally would've died if I knew that she did.

Jessica was just one of my main girls. I'm using her of course, I mean, how could I have any feeling for that? All I needed for Jessica to do was to bring her to me.


'Yeah, you got her?' I asked her. I was in the middle of my daily runs and I usually got back by five o'clock.

'Uh....No.' There was whimper that slipped out of her snout and I immediately tensed. What?

'What do you mean!?' I growled at her through the mind link, and tried to control my wolf from sniffing Jessica out to kill her.

'We...They.. They kind of got away Ray! I'm sorry! It wasn't my fault!' My wolf snarled at her whiny voice. I had to admit, it was annoying at times, but at least the nights made up for it. I knew that whine in her voice though. She was just trying to get off the hook because she thinks she is going to be my packs new leader, the Luna.

'I thought I told you to capture her! It's an easy job! She is a lone weak little wolf. You have four of my men with you and she still- wait, what do you mean they?' I always got angry when my plans don't work out the way I thought they would. It was rare that they failed, but this plan was a simple one. Get the girl. Last time I saw her, she was a weak mutt. One of the reasons why I never trained her was because I knew that soon I would kick her out of my pack to become rogue.

'I-I know. B-but there were others... It wasn't expected, they were strong an-and-' I had to butt in to keep her from stuttering any longer, I was starting to get impatient and anxious for what she was about to say.

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