Chapter Seven

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After a few days of living together, Camila and Lauren established a schedule for themselves. The only problems they've run into are sleeping on the same couch, Lauren's old schedule being disregarded, and the animals.

Since there were now two demons feasting in the same area, there were far less animals left to hunt. At night, they'd be out there for hours looking for a meal. Once they found something, it was usually a small animal which didn't fill them up enough. Their store bought snacks would run out quicker than usual as a result.

Lauren changing her old schedule was a smaller issue in comparison to the food situation, but still a problem. She was so used to waking up early to bathe and run into town for coffee, but now she only went into town once a week. She did wish for some change, though, so she couldn't complain.

As for their shared couch/bed, it was small. Camila already assured Lauren that she didn't mind sleeping so close to each other, but one of the girls always ended up squished and had a numb arm the next morning. That's a quick fix.

"Hey, Lauren we should really try and fix this whole sleeping situation." Camila said one morning after waking up with tingles in her arm.

"Sure, okay. Yeah. We can look for another couch today. I can move the table to the corner, too. It might be a tight fit but it'll be fine." Lauren spoke, already planning it all out. She didn't want Camila uncomfortable in any way.

"It won't be too much trouble?" Camila bit her thumb nail.

Lauren snorts. "You always ask that. It's never any trouble, Camz."

Camila nods.

Lauren sits up and rubs her eyes before grabbing her soap, shampoo and conditioner. "I'll race you to the lake!" She challenges the younger girl.

"Oh you're on!" They break off into a sprint.

Lauren made it to the lake first, Camila arriving only seconds after. "I win!" Lauren grins, panting with her hands resting on her knees. Camila throws the girl a mean look before pushing her in. The older girl gets completely submerged in the lake before sitting up in the calf deep water. "What was that f-" Then Camila jumped in, tackling Lauren. The two wrestled in the water, flipping positions multiple times.

"Pinned ya!" Camila says, straddling the dark haired girl. Lauren dips her head underwater and spits it at Camila's face. "Ewwwwwww Lauren Cooties" Camila lets go of the older girls' arms to wipe her face.

"I don't have cooties!" Lauren scoffs.

"Bleh yeah you do." Camila wipes her hands on Lauren's face. The older girl tried sitting back up but Camila pinned her back down. "Nope."

"Come on we need to bathe." Lauren attempts to get up again. Camila crosses her arms and shakes her head. "Camila get off." She groans.

"You need to apologize for spitting on me." Lauren blinks. "Or I could just sit her all day, it's really comfy." Camila wiggles on top of her stomach.

"Fine, I'm sorry for spitting on you."

"That didn't sound very sincere." Camila raises her eyebrow at her.

"My dearest, Camila! I'm so terribly sorry for spitting at you even though you deserved it. Please forgive me so we can go into town where I'll buy you things to make up for my spreading of cooties!" Lauren says loud and overdramatically.

"Much better." Camila stands up, extending her arm to help Lauren up as well.

The two stripped out of their wet clothes, throwing them in the grass. Camila got to the shampoo first, squirting some into her hand before handing the bottle to Lauren. The older girl smiled at her and turned around. She's not sure why, but every time they bathed, Lauren made it really awkward. Camila, on the other hand, was very confident with her body. A good quality to have. Why couldn't Lauren be the same way?

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