Caught Up

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She left and Derek jumped in the shower. He fixed the sheets and pillows on the bed then called Yazmine.

Yazmine: Yea

Derek: I just got home.. where you at

Yazmine: Still at Niq house.. you want me to come home

Derek: Yea

Yazmine: Ok I'm bout to leave

Derek: Yea
He hung up.. about and an hour later Yazmine walked through

Yazmine: What's that smell

Derek: I cooked

Yazmine: D I smell the food.. it's something else.. it stank tho

Derek: Ion kno you trippin

Yazmine: I'm not but what you cook.

Derek: A roast, red potatoes, green beans with dinner rolls.. I bought a apple pie.. you can put that on

She took off her jacket then put it in their coat closet and put her purse on the sofa.

Yazmine: Sounds good baby.. ima put the pie on then take a shower
Derek: Why you need to take a shower

Yazmine: Cuz I been out all day D
He walked up to her

Derek: You fuxkin around on me

Yazmine: No.. Why would you think that..

Derek: You takin showers as soon as you walk through the door n shit..

Yazmine: I was out shoppin all day

Derek: Where yo bags

Yazmine: In the car.. Derek stop interrogating me and move

She pushed him out the way and went to the kitchen

Derek: Yazmine you better not not be fuxkin around

Yazmine: Whatever Derek..

He walked in the kitchen and pushed her against the refrigerator

Derek: Don't play me Yaz

Yazmine: Derek what the hell is yo problem

Derek: Ion have one

He let her go.. then walked in the room. Yazmine put the pie in the oven and walked to the back. She saw Derek sitting on the bed and walked up to him. She rubbed his beard. Then kissed him.

Yazmine: Baby I would never cheat on you
She cradle him

Derek: Good cuz I'd kill him
He put her on the bed

Derek: Get in the shower ima fix yo plate

He walked out the room. Yazmine untied her shoes her phone fell out her pocket and slid under the bed. She got on the floor tryin to get it. Yazmine looked under the bed and saw ole girl panties.

Yazmine: These not mine... Derek

Derek: What

Yazmine: Who panties

Derek: Yours

Yazmine: Ion have no white and pink laced thong D

Derek: I guess you do

Yazmine walked to him and started punching his chest

Yazmine: That's why you thought I was cheating.. cuz you fuxkin bitches in my house.

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