Chapter 19 - The Forth Month

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A/N Another chapter today, I'm on a role! :D



        It really sucks knowing that there was a chance that Harry would never wake up. Knowing that if he didn't make a simple movement, he would die.

It had been almost a month since we had gotten the news. A month tomorrow. Harry hadn't made a single peep either.

Today consisted of sitting beside Harry's hospital bed, gripping onto his hand tightly. The only sound in the room was his steady breaths and my muffled cries.

I sighed and let myself think of all the memories we had together, knowing he wouldn't be here much longer.

I slowly traced my free hands along his soft face, smiling softly. "You know you truly are beautiful." I told him, even though he couldn't understand.

I figured I might as well talk to him one last time.

"I can't believe your still not awake Harry. I miss you so much. These past few months had been a living hell." I told him with a chuckle and a sniff, holding back my tears.

"I know that theres a high chance you won't wake up, but I can't let you go Harry. I never will be able to. I'm never gonna be able to move on." I frowned and shook my head.

"You know what I miss most? I miss a lot of things actually. I miss your eyes. They are so green, such a beautiful green." I smiled at the thought of them. "I haven't got to see them in a while though.."

I played with his fingers and sat on the bed next to him. "I miss how we used to watch those horror movies together and how you would yell at the TV, warning the characters even though they couldn't hear you. Then I would hit you playfully to shush up so I could hear the movie." I laughed at the memory.

I sighed and leaned back on the bed. "But you know what I truly miss? I miss your voice. You have such a perfect voice. It always calms me when I'm upset. Did you know you have a voice of an angel Harry?" My voice cracked at the last sentence and I felt tears coming. I cleared my throat and shook my head.

"I just really wish you were here Harry."

Just then I saw his breaths get quicker. My eyes widened and I placed both of my hands on his face. "Harry please. Please come back to me baby! You can do it, I know you can! Please do something, please Harry I can't live without you!" I sobbed.

I squeezed his hand tightly and bit my lip, the tears finally flooding. I let go of his hand gently and let myself cry.

"Harry please."

After those words were spoken something happened that made my life flash before my eyes.

A low groan escaped Harry's lips and my eyes widened. I looked down and saw his finger twitch. My mouth gaped open and I stood up, stumbling back.

"H-Harry!" I let out.

His finger twitched again and I ran out of the room quickly. I ran out into the hall and went to the closet nurse I had found.

"He moved! Nurse, he moved!" I told her, grabbing her shoulders. I let go of her and she ran into the room he was in.

She walked up to his bed and grabbed his hand. She tapped on it slightly before his finger twitched once more.

Her eyes widened as well and she called the other nurses and doctors in. "The boy moved!" She yelled to the others.

I stumbled back to the wall and fell onto the floor, my once sorrowful tears turning into cries of joy. "He's going to be okay. He's going to wake up." I told myself over and over, making myself know it.

And for the first time in four months, I had hope.




Yay! Finally a some what happy chapter.. The last chapter is coming up next guys, so get ready! :D

~Lizzy xx

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