Chapter 2 || Hello Australia

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I barely slept at all on the long flight, because the women next to me would not stop humming. I occasionally glanced down at her iPod and I continued to see the same artist. 5 Seconds of Spring, or was it Summer? I didn't know or care I just wished she would stop.

I'm not the type of person to speak up when I'm uncomfortable so I tried to block out the gentle buzz that immersed from her lips.

When we arrived I had deep circles under my eyes. It was 8:00pm and I was starving, all I had eaten today was a banana, a burrito, and some Gold Fish the flight attendants passed around.

I packed my electronics into my small backpack and slowly followed the passengers off the plane. When I emerged from the tunnel that connected the plane to the airport I saw Aunt Cici holding up a sign that said 'Darling's Number 1 Fan' I chuckled in embarrassment and greeted her with a hug.

"Hey Lacey! It's so nice to finally meet you. How was your flight?" Cici said excitedly.

"It was ok thanks." I said with a shy smile.

"Great! Let's go grab your bags from baggage claim then we can head to the bakery."

"The bakery? Is it still open?"

"No on Sunday's we close at 7, but my apartment is right above the bakery."

"Oh my gosh that's so cool!" I gushed.

"Yeah, it's pretty convenient. I have the easiest commute." She laughed.

We began walking towards baggage claim.

"So I hear you want to work at the bakery to earn some extra money?"

"Yeah whatever money you can spare I'll take."

"Haha okay, I also hear your taking a ballet class at the National Academy of Dance, what days?"

"Just in the mornings on Saturday and Sunday, I can work every other day."

"Great!" Cici declared as we reached baggage claim.

An attendant walked up to us holding Delilah in her carrying case. I took her and thanked the attendant. We walked over to the conveyer belt and Cici helped me pick up my bags.

While we headed towards her car, I began to soak in her features. She had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, she was my mom's younger sister by many years and I could tell. Cici looked about 26 years old and could be my older sister.

When we reached her car I squealed in delight, it was a light blue convertible Volkswagen Bug with large polka dots spotting the entire car. She helped me load my things into her trunk, I took Delilah out of her carrying case and sat in the passenger seat.

The drive to her apartment only took about 20 minutes. We unloaded my things and brought them up to her apartment. We passed through the bakery and I nearly passed out. It was so cute. It was all white with checkered floors, and all the tables, chairs, and counters were different shades of pink. It smelled warm and inviting, scents of chocolate, vanilla, and sugar wafting throughout the entire building.

When I reached my room, Cici told me that when she first opened up the bakery everything was black, white, and gold, but after she remodeled she had lots of extra furniture.

My room was extremely satisfying, it had a large walk in closet, a vanity, a queen sized bed that hung over a desk area, and an adorable little window seat that looked over Sydney.

"I'm sure your hungry do you want anything to eat?"

"Yes! I'm so hungry, I'll eat whatever you have."

"I need to shop soon, all I have is leftover Chinese food is that alright?"

"That's fabulous thank you!"

I was exhausted, after I ate I slept and slept, preparing myself for the week ahead. Tomorrow I would start working, and I couldn't be more excited!

Hey guys! This chapter is hella short, but don't worry, Lukey appears in the next chapter and it will be long! Luv yall.

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