Chapter 3

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The next day at practice, Coach Redford started to lead us to the gym instead of our usual spot. Everyone shot anxious glances at each other.

"Coach?" I asked in confusion.

Everyone looked confused as well. Were we practicing in the gym today or something? Would this mean there was a new, extra difficult workout in store? Most likely. But he just smiled and held his hand up as people started to talk amongst themselves.

"Everyone take a seat on the floor."

Everyone immediately sat down. Lara and I exchanged a confused glance.

"First, I want to congratulate our girl's team for getting first at sectionals yesterday, our boys team for placing second, and Ellington for getting second in your race and Ramone for getting first in yours. Every single one of you did spectacular." The team whooped and clapped loudly. Redford cleared his throat.
"Second, as you all know, every three years the cross country team hosts a dance that is held on the 17th of October. A couple weeks from now." Excited chatter rose among the team. Talks about the dance had been circulating throughout every practice since the start of the month.

"It's usually a pretty big deal," Redford continued. "Except this year it will be even bigger. The whole school is invited." Everyone let out a loud, simultaneous groan. Usually it was just the school's sports teams invited. Redford cleared his throat loudly.

"Each ticket will cost $5. The dance is mandatory for the team, as you all know, except this year we will be switching things up a bit," everyone exchanged nervous glances. The first change was already bad enough. Redford looked around the gym excitedly.
"You get assigned a partner!" Everyone groaned even louder.
"Oh, come on guys! It's gonna be fun just wait. You're gonna thank me for this."
The boys and the girls looked begrudgingly at each other. Everyone except for maybe Danny and Lara.

"Okay, so this is how we are going to do this; I need the girls on one side of the gym and the boys on the other." He ordered. We all got up and lazily got into rows on each side of the gym, mumbling complaints to each other. Reford pulled off his cap and slipped pieces of paper from his clipboard into it. Then he walked over to the boy's row. He stopped in front of each boy and had them pull out a name. I groaned. With my luck, I knew how this would end up.

And guess what? I was completely right.

I looked around and Jake Ramone meets my eyes.


He waved the small slip of paper in the air tauntingly. I rolled my head back and groaned loudly. I looked over to my side to complain to Lara and Jess, But they were already off trying to find their partners. Jake made his way over to me.
"Looks like it's you and me, huh Ellington? What are the odds?" He smirked. I flinched and gritted my teeth.
"Looks like it."
"What's your problem with me anyways? Is it I'm too attractive for your liking?" He ran a hand through his dark hair and stared at me with his electric blue eyes... wait. No. What the heck?! Shut up Ray.
"No," I tried to sound tough but it came out confused. He chuckled in satisfaction with himself. I felt like banging my head against a wall. Repeatedly.

"I know everyone is excited! Well I hope so anyways. Practice will be canceled today. Instead, it's strongly suggested that you get with your partner sometimes soon and practice waltzing if you do not know how. I attached a link to a video of a waltz on the back of the paper your male partner pulled from the cap that may help. Enjoy your weekend!" Redford said, his voice raising amongst the small, excited conversations in the gym. Everyone cheered and grabbed their bags to head out. I got my backpack and stomped up angrily to Coach.
"Redford!" I screamed. He stopped and held his hands up jokingly.
"What did I do now?" He joked.
"I CANNOT be partnered with- with- him!" I fumed.
"Ellington, I made the rules clear. It'll be fun! Trust me. You two, being the lead runners on the team, I think you should be our opening couple. Now I suggest you get movin'. Time flies." He winked and tapped his watch then walked away. I swallowed my scream then stomped off and snatched my keys out of my bag. Suddenly, as I was walking out the door someone grabbed my wrist. I whirled around quickly.

"Woah, chill. So who's house should we practice at? And what... time?" He winked. I snatched my wrist away from his warm hand.
"Listen here," I pushed my finger into his chest and he backed against the brick wall of the school.
"I have been waiting THREE years for this dance and I will NOT let you ruin it by being the dick you are, who only wants to get in my pants, when all I want to do is finish this dumbass waltz and get as far away from you as possible the rest of the night. Got it?" Even though I was pushing him against the wall and yelling in his face, he was acting surprisingly cool.
"You're so hot when you're angry," he said with his signature smirk. I backed up.
"Just-" I started but he grabbed my wrist again gently.
"Just what?"
"Shut up," I tried sounding demanding, but it came out weak again. His warm hand on my wrist was distracting me... His face so close to mine, his intense eyes staring into mine...

I snapped myself out of it and pushed him away.

"I'm warning you, Ramone." I spun around on one heel and walked to my car. His attractive little smirk and his warm hand on my wrist made me shudder. I turned the key and the engine hummed to life. I took a deep breath. The smell of his cologne was still lingering in my nose.

Shut up Ray! What the hell are you thinking?
He. Is. A. Player.
Yeah, a hot player.
Control yourself.
I'm just saying.
Okay shut up.
He smells really good though.
Shut up.

Shut up.


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