My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 67

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Part 67

Alex’s POV

We entered the warehouse, quietly. As we made it into the middle of the floor, all the lights came on. There, standing at the other end of the warehouse, next to the doors, was Alpha William’s, Josh’s dad.

Although, Josh hated him, he got most of his looks from his dad. Josh hated that, that he looked like his dad, that he had the same blood as him, that he had some quirky traits from his dad. He even feared he would become like his dad someday, though he acted nothing like his dad.

“Alex, how are you?” Alpha Williams asked.

He had no idea that I was pretty much cured and not going to die. I just smiled at him, leading him to be confused.

“I’m perfectly healthy Alpha Williams.” I answered, calmly.

This only makes him even more curious. I decided to tell him, after getting the go ahead from Alec. 

“You’re not the only one who knows how to heal. I’m sure some very powerful healers, who have been known to revive the dead can fix me up good and new.” I hinted to him.

His eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed in anger. His plan had failed, and we both knew it.

“Attack!!” He yelled.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, his entire pack popped out and grabbed us. We were so surprised we didn’t have time to lash out.

Stephanie and John were trapped, in some kind of magic sealed chamber, before anyone had time to think. Brendan, Oscar, Alex and Jack’s hands and feet were cuffed with the super strong magical substance that no one could get out of. I was the only one left. They were all stuck in a circle around me. No one could get out. I ran towards Alec first, but Alpha Williams voice stopped me.

“If you make one move, I’ll kill all of them.” He threatened.

I dared him to challenge me. I was through with all this stuff. It ends tonight.

“How?” I asked.

“You see, I’ve got special powers, loaned to me, for today, by someone. I’ll be using them to the fullest extent.” He explained.

Suddenly, knifes appeared at everyone’s heart. They were threatening to kill all of my loved ones.

“Like I said, make one move towards them and I’ll kill them all.” He said, smugly.

“What do you want?” I asked, desperate.

I knew that if I did make a move to get close to them, Alpha William’s would stay true to his word. I was trying to think of a way out of this situation, none of my powers that were accessible to me, would work in this kind of situation.

“You are to drink this and then I’ll let them go.” He compromised; holding a bottle, of what I assumed was more poison, this time, the fast acting kind.

“Don’t do it, Alex!!!” Alec yelled.

“SILENCE!!!” Alpha William’s yelled.

Suddenly, everyone was gagged, and paralyzed, temporarily. 

“How do I know you will let them go?” I asked, suspiciously.

“I may be a horrid, evil man, and you and everyone may hate me as much as you want, but I am a man of my word.” He answered.

That wasn’t good enough, but what else could I do?

“Anyway, you have no choice but to take my word for it.” He answered, nonchalantly.

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