Chapter 21

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Hazelyn's pov

I woke up and I looked around not remembering anything from the last 24 hours, then it all just came rushing back to me.

I went to sit up but this terrible pain erupted in my back causing me to let out small whispers. I know its already healing but it will take more time than usual.

Suddenly I realized there was no one in the cell with me. I looked around frantically but it was dark and I didn't see anything.

"Lacey?!" I called out
No answer came so I called her name louder, but still nothing.

My head started spinning and I felt so heavy I could barely move, they must have given me more immobilizer because I felt drugged.

I pulled my body off the floor letting out an occasional whimper. I walked to the front of the cell and started yelling Lacey's name louder until I heard footsteps walking towards the cell.

A guard I hadn't seen yet appeared and his eyes were almost completely black other than the small ring of red outlining the black orbs.

"Shut your mouth, before I have to come in there!" he shouted at me

I took a deep breath before asking "Where is Lacey?"

The guard smirks and says "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Yes I would that's why I asked" I say raising my voice impatiently

In a flash the man roughly grabs my wrists a twists them into a painful position, put his face inches from mine and says
"Look princess, back at home you may be treated like royalty, but not here, here you are a slave and will be treated like one"

He shoves me back against the opposite wall and pain explodes in my already sore back.

I whimper softly and after a few deep breaths my vision starts to go fuzzy and everything goes black.

Alright so I am so so so so sorry this update has been needed and I know it's short but I will have another soon.

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