Chapter 19 - Are We Having Sex?

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I helped Dimitri up and brought him to the bathroom so he could wash the remaining blood off his face. Once he was done, I handed him a towel. He took it thanking me.

Once he was done, I took the towel and hung it back before turning towards him. I really wanted to know what had happened. But I didn't think he would tell me. I started walking out the bathroom and he followed behind me.

I walked up to his bed and pulled his blankets away. I then turned towards him with a small smile gesturing for him to get in. He took his shirt off, throwing it on the ground beside him before he walked up to me, beside his bed. I moved back and motioned for him to get in. He obliged and slowly got in.

Once he was laying down, I leaned over him and grabbed the blanket, pulling it up over him. I pulled it up to his neck before my eyes looked up and locked with his. I had this sudden urge to lean down and press a kiss to his forehead. I didn't of course. I immediately moved back and took two steps back.

I turned around to leave the room to go get another shirt to wear when I felt Dimitri's warm, strong hand wrap around my wrist, pulling me to a stop. "I know I don't deserve your kindness. But, please stay." He said, not looking up at me.

"I wasn't leaving, Dimitri. I was... just um, I need to change my shirt. It's kind of soaked with your blood." I said, stuttering for some reason. He looked down at the wrist he was holding and saw the blood stained sleeves of my shirt.

"Just take your shirt off." He stated causing my eyes to widen and my cheeks to blush.
"Um..." I was at a loss for words causing Dimitri to chuckle slightly.

"You're wearing a tank top underneath. Aren't you?" He asked and now I felt more embarrassed.

"Right." I said, pulling my wrist away from his hand. I then took my shirt off and put it in the laundry hamper. I picked his shirt up off the ground and threw it in the laundry hamper as well. I could feel Dimitri's eyes on me the whole time, making me feel a little self-conscious.

I went to turn the lights off, leaving the lamp beside Dimitri's side table on, so I could find my way around his huge room. I then walked to the sofa and lay down. "You can turn the lamp off Dimitri." I said, looking at him. He stared back at me for a few seconds before reaching over and turning the lamp off.

It was really dark now. I couldn't see anything at all. It was also really cold and I wished I was in Kenneth's room with a warm blanket. But whatever. "Goodnight, Dimitri." I whispered to him. I waited for a response but got none. Guess he was asleep already.

I closed my eyes, willing sleep to quickly come. But I knew I wasn't going to fall asleep that fast. Especially with how cold it was. It was only going to get colder later on into the night.

Suddenly, I felt two strong and warm hands sliding underneath me, picking me up. I shrieked in fear and surprise as I couldn't see who it was. "Shh, it's just me." I heard Dimitri say causing me to relax a little. Of course it was him. Who would try to enter his bedroom at night? No one.

His hand had slipped underneath my tank top as he picked me up. His hand lay flat against my bare back, causing me to shiver. His other hand held onto my bare legs. "What are you doing?" I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Bringing you to my bed. It's more comfy than this sofa and much more warmer." He said as he brought me to his bed and gently lowered me down.

"No, I can't." I said, sitting up. He got in the bed as well before asking me why.

"Because I'm dating Kenneth. I can't just get into another man's bed when I have a boyfriend." I said, looking in the direction I think he was sitting in, since it was so dark.

The Demon King (The Demon King, #1) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now