Chapter 3: We go see Chaos

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We spared, did drills, and then played some games like basketball and football.
I believe we were in there for more than 4 hours before Rose looked up at Flame and in unison they said "Can we take a break?"
At the same time Alpha made a touch down and claimed that he was hungry.
I looked at Angel who just shrugged and walked out of the arena. After putting our stuff away we left also.

That's when I stopped and cursed loudly causing Asia to open one eye and for Rose to scold me by smacking me upside my head.

"What's wrong?" Alpha asked stifling his laughter. I turned to him annoyed "Chaos wanted to speak with us," I reminded him
Alpha's eyes went big as he used his speed to run to the throne room. I on the other hand just shrugged and teleported myself there.

A few seconds as I arrived Alpha slammed into me slamming me into the door causing us both to slide into Chaos's throne room with a loud crash "Nice going Alpha!" I groaned trying to pry him off me "You were in my way," he argued
"No I wasn't Alpha you still don't know how to maintain your powers!" I accused "Look who's talking! The kid who created a earthquake on a planet 4 light years away without even meaning to just because he passed some gas!" Alpha exclaimed

But before I could continue a small chuckle came from the corner of the throne room "Well that was some entrance,"
Alpha and I stood up quickly grumbling while straighten our clothes "Hey Lord Chaos," Alpha said "Sup Dad," I said
Chaos walked over to Alpha and gave a 'light' in Chaos terms smack on his head "How many times do I have to tell you Luke? It's Dad!"
Alpha groaned holding his head with both hands "I was joking!"
I laughed and Asia gave a small meow from the corner of the room "See Luke? Percy understands why can't you?" Chaos scolded lightly

Luke stuck his tongue at me and I rolled my eyes placing my hand on his head healing him.
"Dad, so you called us?" Alpha/Luke said after a while
"Ah, yes now if I remembered I specifically asked for one of you before the other... I have two separate messages for you." He said
I blinked and shrugged "Alpha... I mean Luke you go in first and I'll go second,"
Alpha gave me a thumbs up and walked with Chaos outside the throne room into his study.

Asia materialized into a fly and began buzzing around me then a puppy "Why don't you choose a simple form that'll benefit us both?" I asked swatting her fly form again
"Because you look so cute when annoyed so I'll continue annoying you," she said simply
I sat down on the cold marble floor and Asia shifted into a snow white kitten with big purple eyes "Purple? Why not blue eyes?" I asked petting her absentmindedly
"I'm feeling particularly royal today and purple fits this feeling," she said
I smiled "Oh,"
Looking down at her "I have a bad feeling that whatever my Dad has to say to me isn't going to be good,"
Asia blinked and there was a long pause before she said anything
"Hmm, I thought I was the only one who felt this change,"

Before I could ask Luke walked out his hands in his pocket as he strolled out when he reached me he gave me a pat on the back the scar on his face rippling with sympathy "Your Turn,"
I sighed "While I'm in there why won't you tell me what Rose's cooking?"
"Mind Message?" He clarified
I nodded my form rippling as my molecules became water droplets as I transported myself and subconscious into Chaos's study.

"Percy I'm glad you're here we need to talk," My father said without hesitation

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