Chapter Four~*

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1- Jeff

I'm lying on my bed, with a pillow over my face. I can feel Jamie sitting at the edge of the bed, doing who knows what.

"I'm going to go take a shower." Jamie suddenly states and I feel her get off the bed. Her quiet footsteps head to the bathroom.

I sit up and ask, "What are you going to wear when you get out?"

She stops in mid stride and turns to glare at me. "I don't mind wearing the same thing. I'll wash my outfit later."

"How are you going to wash your outfit later? You don't know where the laundry room is. And what are you going to wear then?" I ask.

She glares at me and turns around, walking into the bathroom while slamming the door loudly behind her. I grin wider, enjoying her reactions. I don't think I've ever met a girl who has hated me as much as Jamie does.

I lay back down, trying to empty my mind but my new partner is all I can think about. Jamie's odd, in a way. She doesn't really smile around me and all she really does is glare or say something sarcastic.

I also think back to her appearance. Cold, blue eyes, fair skin, long waves of straight brown hair. She had on black skinny jeans with a black hoodie and I remember seeing a hint of purple underneath her jacket, which must have been her shirt.

"Jeff." a voice suddenly whispers from the hall.

I sit up and look out the now open door. I see a short figure in the doorway and instantly recognize who it is.

"Jeff." Ben whispers again, raising his voice a bit. "Come. Here. Now."

I groan, get up and cross to him. "What do you want?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing much. It's just that the news about the fight you had with Rayne earlier spread fast. Like, really fast, man." he says, leaning against the wall. "Is it true you punched Rayne because she tried to grab your-"

"Ben, shut up!" I say abruptly, cutting him off. "No, it's not true. I pushed her, but that was because she insulted Jamie."

"Jamie? You're new partner, right? Yeah, I heard about her." Ben says. "Dude, why do you even care about her?"

"I don't." I say, deadly serious.

"It doesn't seem like it, man. People are saying you like her. Like, like-like her. You know what I mean?" he asks. I can tell he confused himself.

"I don't. Ignore the rumors. I just . . . I need her for . . . that reason. And I can't have her getting killed because Rayne was talking about her. You know how the others are. A small hint of weakness and she'll be killed."

"Oh." Ben says, finally understanding. "That's why you took her in?"

I can't look at him. I'm too embarrassed by my confession. My throat starts closing up, making it hard to breathe. "Yeah." I simply say.

He stayes quiet for a couple of minutes before asking, "Is that the only reason?"

I can't even be around him anymore. I turn and go into my room. "I'm just . . ." I carefully say. "Getting really desperate."

1- Jamie

I can't sleep. No matter what, I can't allow myself to fall asleep. If I did, the plan would be ruined.

I figured out a plan while in the shower. I'm going to sneak out while he's asleep and find my way through the forest. I can't stay here. My mother is probably worried sick about me. I have to get back to her.

I sit up and look over at Jeff's sleeping form. It's kind of hard to tell if he is asleep because of how his eyes are. Even with something covering his eyes and his deep breaths, it's hard to tell. After looking at him him for a while, I notice his hand in his jacket pocket, where his knife just so happens to always be. I move carefully, getting off of the bed and Jeff instantly jumps up, the rag covering his eyes sliding away. He swings his knife around blindly and nearly chops off my arm. I step back and he stops, realizing it's just me.

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