Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

(Angel POV)
I woke up quickly feeling something strange in my chest. I looked over seeing the bed empty meaning Blake's off doing something. I sigh and climb out the bed slipping on my shoes and dragging myself out the room. I walk through the hall following the string connected Ashley to see if she's up.
"Angel what are you doing up?" A lady asked I stared at her not knowing who she was, but she's in one of the maid uniforms.
"Nothing, going to Ashley," rubbing my eyes she smiled and nodded.
"Okay, but be careful its dark," I thanked her and continued following the string. I've never been up at night before in the pack house and it is pretty dark. I was supposed to go back to the apartment, but Blake had an emergency or something so I'm stuck here.
"Ashley," I call out softly while peeking my head into the room. Thomas was in the bed with her sleeping. I pouted as she turned in Thomas arms while muttering something under her breath. I slowly closed the door while calling for my fairy friend. I'm sure he'll help me find it because something bad is happening.
"Did you call," He appeared on my shoulder making me smile.
"Yes, I just want you to come with me somewhere, I'm not sure where, but I'm following it now, I think its in trouble," I explain making him nod.
"This area is being surrounded," He spoke softly as I snuck down the stairs and out the door I ran across the pack ground seeing the presence of multiple energy in the forest.
"They'll take care of that, one of my guys are sending an alert out right now," He informed me as I ran towards the clinic. I sneak through the back hearing an alarms going off around the pack. I could feel the energy of everyone increasing as everything seemed to become chaotic, I peek out the window seeing wolves running into the woods.
"You'll be fine here," I thanked him not really knowing what was going on at this point. I make my way through the clinic going through a white door and stopping as I stared at a little crib like bed in the middle of the floor making my way over I look inside seeing a little bundle staring at me with dark eyes. I frown looking at the string connecting us together, but its different from the rest. I reach down and pick him up seeing that he seemed to be staring at my shoulder meaning that he could see him too, my friend nodded also agreeing with me. Maybe he's the same me.
"Angel get down," He hissed while flying up I ducked as the window shattered into pieces earning a screech from the boy in my arms. I looked down checking to see if he was okay.
"Sshhh," I cooed softly while a group of fairies flew pass the window I could hear the snarls and growled along with shouts of pain echoing through the night.
"Angel go, try to get the greenhouse, you will be safe there tell them that Kheelan sent you and I'll send two of the fae with you," I thanked him and looked out the window seeing that it was clear before climbing out and holding the boy tightly against me as I begin to run. The greenhouse is all the way on the other side of the pack grounds, I would have to cut through the middle, but from the looks of it I'm assuming too much is going on to get through safely.
"Take the forest," I stopped and looked at the woods in front of me not wanting to go at all. I don't like the woods at night.
"Angel we're here you have to go," One said sitting next to me as the other seemed to light the pathway. I looked at the boy in my arms seeing him staring back again. This is a strange baby.
"If I drop him... and there has to be another way," I say looking behind me as a dark hair wolf came around the corner. I swallowed and took off into the night.

(Blake POV)

"Go," I command while grabbing one of the rogues by his neck, I rip his head off dodging another one as it came from behind.
"I've got this one," Jace growled shifting and pouncing on the rogue, I run off trying to find Angel. I can't have her taken away from me now, not after everything we've gone through together.
"Find her now," I growled out a command while killing off the last rogue. I tossed his body to the side before taking off into the forest again. I have to find her, one of the maids said she was wondering the hall right before the attack, Ashley already looked through the pack house and couldn't find her and I was couldn't find her since the rogues kept attacking one after another.
I felt a growl escaping at the smell of blood and the sound of crying. I followed feeling Jonah pull up behind me along with Thomas on the other side as we raced to get to Angel praying that she was okay. I shifted and ran into the field seeing her covered in blood with a look of terror in her eyes.
"Angel," I run over to her and squat down telling them to get me a nurse.
"Angel," I say softly checking her for any wounds and injuries, I follow her line of sight seeing that she was surrounded by dead bodies. I clenched my jaw feeling my wolf become agitated and anxious.
"I didn't want to do it," she muttered still holding her hands to her chest as Thomas handed me his shirt I wiped the blood off her face, not understanding what happened. She's covered in blood practically drenched as if she bathed in it. Her hair is soaked and if it wasn't for the fact that I know the smell of her blood I would have assumed it was hers.
"Angel please tell me what happened?" I asked gently she moved her hands down revealing the boy from the clinic, Alexis son.
"I had to protect him and they all came, they were going to take us and I I didn't want to leave and he's too small to leave, I didn't mean to," She cried softly, I picked the baby out of her arms and handed him over to Thomas telling him to take him back.
"No," Angel screeched reaching her hands out for him.
"He can't he has to stay with me," She sobbed again I lifted her bloody body into my arms not knowing what to do as her expression went blank followed by the screams of the boy in Thomas arms.

(Half an hour later)

"You're okay," I tell her gently while buttoning up her shirt that her mom dressed her in before I put her damp hair into a bun. We just got her out the tub and my mom finished checking her over, other than a few scrapes and bruises she would be fine nothing major. Thankfully the blood wasn't all hers.
"And I didn't want to," she muttered again while staring at her hand I placed mine in hers bringing them up to my lips and kissing them.
"I know, but you're safe and the boy is safe because of you," she seemed heart broken and scared right now. I lifted her onto my lap cradling her in my arms as she trembled.
"You just get some rest," I rubbed her back as she clenched my shirt and hid her face. I know she's a little shaken up by all of this and I'm a little baffled myself which is why I'm going to have a long conversation with her mother as soon as possible because they're obviously not telling me something and they're also not tell Angel what's going on either.
"I don't want to get in trouble," I sighed and lifted her chin up smiling at her as she stared back with her bright eyes.
"You won't get in trouble, you're with me," she nodded and mumbled something about us being together forever I chuckled and kissed the top of her head still rocking her and hoping she would settle down enough to fall asleep. i'll stay with her tonight and tomorrow I will find my answers especially since the rogues had the audacity to step into my territory practically at my front door.

(Angel POV) Earlier

"Angel," I looked up seeing Blake squatting in front of me as I stared shocked at the bodies surrounding me. I didn't want to do it, they made me do it.
"Angel," he shook me again as the world began to blur.

20 minutes Earlier

"Keep running we're holding them back as much as we can," She said as I tried to keep up with the fae in front of me. He slowed down a bit but kept moving until we reached a semi opening. I ran across the field holding onto to the baby.
"Did you really think you could out run us," I screamed as a popped up in front of me making me fall on my butt. I scrambled up feeling the energy surrounding me.
"You're both coming with us," he chuckled stepping closer, he reached out and yanked me by my hair laughing as I dangled in his hand.
"I have no clue why they would want you and that thing, but this should be a little fun right," He dragged his finger across my cheek making my breath hitch in my throat as I closed my eyes not wanting him to touch me.
"And you're awfully pretty," he muttered my body grew rigid feeling his disgusting breath fan my neck making me shudder and kick out he laughed again.
"Oh please that won't do a thing," I looked around hoping that the fae would help, but they were caught up in something else. I felt tears streaming down my face as I screamed hoping Blake would hear me and come.
"Please don't," I begged still holding onto the baby as he seemed to cry uncontrollably. The men laughed and tighten his hold on my hair making me wince in pain. I shut my eyes, as his hand seemed to touch my shoulder. I don't want this to happen and I don't want to leave I like my home now.
"No," I try to push him back again only to have him slap me across the face I felt my neck snap to the side as the burning began I clenched my jaw feeling heat over coming me as he began to walk. I'm not leaving and I won't.
"NOOO," I screeched feeling something leave my body I fell to the ground and I stared in shock as he screamed in agony his skin bubbled and boiled over until his body exploded before my eyes splattering his remains onto me I shrunk back seeing more coming out of the shadows running to me only to have the same thing happen to them. I cried and covered my face, as warm blood rained down on me. I didn't want to hurt them.i didn't want to hurt anyone


"I didn't want to they made me," I spoke softly still staring at my bloody hands; they made me do this to them. I didn't want to I really didn't, but I didn't have any other choice and and I couldn't leave I don't want to leave anymore, I want to stay here with my family and Blake.
"Angel," Blake growled gently as I fell into his chest while reaching for the baby I have to protect him too because he can't leave either. 


I know it short probably the shortest chapter i've had but I'm working on the next one right now, in fact its half way done.

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