Chapter 3

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After Spencer texted Toby and the others, she tried to get some sleep as her head was pounding. She got to sleep but was woken up by a horrid smell she looked around and there was A just standing there right in front of her she started to panic and didn't know what to do. Suddenly a strange gas started pouring in from the bathroom and wardrobe it filled the room and Spencer started coughing and soon she was unconscious. When the gas cleared A grabbed Spencer and took her to a dark room with no windows or doors there was nothing, no furniture, no carpets just an empty room.


Toby, Caleb, Emily, aria and Hanna had arrived at the dollhouse, Emily,aria and Hanna decided to stay in the car because last time they were here they were being tortured by A. Caleb and Toby went into the dollhouse and before they stared looking for Spencer they put a bit of tree trunk in front of the door incase it closed and they couldn't get out! They walked slowly further and further into the dollhouse.


When Spencer woke up in that room with no windows or doors she started looking for a way out but after about 2 hours she gave up and when she gave up she herd something behind her she turned round and there he was it was Charles who also goes by the name of A. He put his hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming a though she still couldn't see Charles face she knew it was a man as he was a lot taller than her and looked extremely muscular.

"Charles is that you?" Spencer asked the masked figure in front of her.

Charles didn't answer and instead shoved Spencer against the wall and held her of the ground by her neck, Charles started punching her in the stomach and face. Spencer tried calling for help but couldn't catch her breathe because a A's tight grip on her neck, she started to feel nauseous and eventually Spencer's whole world went black...

Back to Toby and Caleb...

They quickened there pace when they started hearing doors and things making noises, they checked every room they passed trying to find Spencer but this place was massive and she could be anywhere. Little did they know she was closer to them than they thought!

Spencer's world just got a whole lot worse...

When Spencer woke up after her in counter with A she had no clothes on all she was wearing was her bra and underwear, she had no idea what had just happened she got up and had a look around where Charles was standing when she turned around because that had to be her way out because how did Charles get in without her noticing otherwise! When she found the secret door she went through it not knowing what to expect... When she opened the door she was back in her bedroom where A had gassed her and trapped her in the previous room. She went straight to the wardrobe and put on some clothes as her room was at least -5 degrees, she put on her skinny jeans, a shirt, her heeled ankle boots and her green trench coat. When she was changed she realised that A would still think she was in that room so she closed the secret passage way and hide behind the door of her bedroom so that when Charles came back in she could sneak through the door and out of the dollhouse!

Spencer had been waiting there for at least 1 hour when A finally decided to show up, her plan worked but what she didn't think about was what would happen if A realised she was gone and started casing her again? She was running down the never ending corridors looking for a way back to the real world where A finally caught up to her her grabbed her by the neck again and he started abusing her once more Spencer started screaming for help but she knew nobody was in the area but she thought it was worth a try!

Toby and Caleb stopped in their tracks when they her Spencer screaming for help they rushed into what looked like a control room there were lots of computers and footage of what was happening in that dollhouse right now they flicked through all the cameras when they finally came to the one that was angled dead on the fight that was taking place right then and there, Toby and Caleb stormed out of the control room and started shouting and screaming for Spencer!

Spencer could hear someone in the distance shouting on her but thankfully A couldn't hear it and he continued abusing Spencer, the but Spencer blocked out the pain and started shouting louder and mor frequently for help. When Charles finally caught on why she was shouting louder he started slamming her harder against the wall to make her shut up when that didn't work he trapped Spencer and shoved her into the nearest set of stair cases some stairs going up the others going down Charles pushed and shoved Spencer up the stairs until the came to the very top at this point Spencer was still shouting for help!

When Caleb and Toby reached the stairs they could still hear Spencer shouting for help, so they run up the stairs taking them two at a time.

Hanna, Emily and aria were still in the car when they heard someone shouting for help, they didn't know what to expect but they sure didn't expect to see Spencer and A on the roof Spence clinging on to A for dear life as he was about to let her go.

"Please don't do this!" Spencer cried

But it was to late A let her go she screamed as she fell and there was silence when she hit the floor.

The kidnapping of Spencer Hastings!(Spoby fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now