Forty Six

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My eyes pry open and there's sunlight shining directly in my eyes. I need new curtains. The ones I have now don't fully close. I stretch my arms and legs. My feet dangling all the way off the side on my bed.

My mind flashes to yesterday and the day before. So many negative events, I'm still taking this all in like a sponge. I can only take up so much news in a little amount of time.

I'm so ignorant and self centered. I let the whole Lyss situation slip by me when I should've apologize to her and explained. She's my best friend. I should have went after her, but I was so distracted and only thinking about myself.

I also have the Jack situation and the Dominic situation. Everything's giving me a headache and stressing me out. I keep thinking about myself and not other. God, I'm so selfish and conceited.

I reach over to my nightstand, feeling around for my iPhone and I successfully grab it, unplugging it from its charger. I check my phone because it's what I do every morning, unless I'm with Jack.

I don't necessarily care about other people trying to contact me while I'm with him, but things are very different now.

[Dominic] hey, how are you feeling?

[Camila] other than my boyfriend cheating on me, I'm fine.

[Dominic] I'm sorry :(

[Camila] it's not your fault Dom aha

I still haven't told him about Auburn and it's eating me alive. This isn't worse than the time I kept Jack's parents divorce from him, though. I bite the inside of my cheek, patiently waiting for his reply like a creep.

[Dominic] I know, but still. I know I'd feel horrible if Auburn ever cheated on me.

Oh, the irony. We both pretty much got cheated on at the same time while we were together. Well, Auburn cheated on him way before so maybe it doesn't really count as the same time.

I leave in him read, not knowing what to say or reply with. I don't want to accidentally rat Auburn out and say something I'll regret. I click on another chat on the bottom. Ah, the group chat with all of my good friends in it.

[Lyss] wtf I heard Jack cheated on you?

[Dylan] he what?

[Chase] he fucks up soo much lol

[Dylan] I swear to god the next time I see him I'm gonna beat his ass

[Cody] you already did that.

[Jason] worldstarrrrrrrrrr

[Cody] jason, you're always so sarcastic fuck outta here.

Some of the messages made me crack a smile. Even without trying, they make me happy. I guess this means Lyss and I are on okay terms. It's sweet how she still cares about me after what I did to her.

It wasn't intentional, but I still feel remorseful. I text back in the chat and then Dylan separately texts me.

[Dylan] want to hangout today? Wanna talk about it?

There isn't anything to talk about; it's self explanatory.

[Camila] I don't want to talk about Jack, but I'd love to hangout.

[Dylan] okay :) I'll pick you up be ready in half an hour?

[Camila] sounds good.

I look for more unread messages and my heart stops when I see Jack's name written on a box. I hesitantly click on it, seeing two messages appear.

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