The betrayal ( Zero's backstory)

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A/N I will be puring this story on hold for an undetermined amount of time. I apologize for waiting this long to notify anyone.
A boy of about sixteen sat in a tree just above the train tracks waiting for the train to pass under him.
On this train was his target,but the tricky part was he didn't know who his target was.
He had been hired to kill everyone on the train.
The boy heard the train approaching and dropped down onto it as it passed.
The sun revealed that the boy was wearing a black ankle length jacket with a red interior, black shirt,black cargo pants to hold ammo, and a pair of black boots.
He had the hood of his jacket pulled up to cover his blonde hair.
On his back he carried a katana with a black blade and on his waste he carried a black 357. Revolver.
He calmly walked towards the front of the train and drew his revolver.
He dropped into the train and shot the first person he saw.
He drew his blade from the sheath on his back and cut through the door keeping him from the driver.
The driver didn't respond to the noise he made as he cut through the door.
The boy walked slowly towards the man,still with his sword at the ready.
The driver calmly turned to face the boy and looked at him calmly, looking into the boys blue eyes.
"Zero." The driver greeted.
The man had red hair and a Grimm mask covering his face.
Instead of his usual black and red outfit,he wore a simple black cloak that covered his body.
"Adam, what are you doing here?"Zero asked the man in front of him.
"Completing the mission"he answered coldly.
"What? I thought this was supposed to be a one man operation."Zero thought.
Adam disappeared from Zero's line of sight,and Zero found himself going through the train only to slam into a few trees breaking them in the process.
Zero tried to get up only to feel a, sharp burning pain in his stomach.
He glanced down and saw that his sword had been impaled in his stomach.
Blood pouring generously from the wound,despite the fact that his sword was still in his body.
He grabbed the hilt of the blade and prepared himself for what he had to do.
He gritted his teeth, quickly removed the blade from his stomach, screaming in pain.
He started to crawl a crossed the forest floor and managed to hid behind a nearby tree.
His vision was starting to blur,and he found it hard to keep his eyes open.
"Adam,has he been disposed of." Zero heard a woman ask.
"Yes." Adam responded.
"Good,now I need you to dispose of anyone that had any kind of connections to him."
"Of course."Adam replied.
Zero felt his consciousness fading and soon he drifted off into darkness.
"Zero you need to wake up!"something growled,easily reaching Zero's ears in his sleep.
"What?Who said that?"He thought,not realizing that what ever it was was in his head.
"I am the monster you keep locked away."It growled in response.
"What do you mean?What monster!?"Zero screamed in his head.
"It does not matter,but what does matter is that your family is in danger." The so called "monster" responded all most immediately.
"What? What's going on?"Zero asked,worry sneaking it's way into his heart.
"Wake up and you will see."It stated and Zero felt himself being dragged back into reality.
Zero opened his eyes to find that he was still in the forest.
He managed to get his feet under him and ran through the forest.
He didn't stop running, one thing kept him going.
He had no idea how long he had ran,but he eventually he got back to his village.
He found the village in flames and the a river of blood flowing through the streets.
The bodies of the villagers,the people Zero called his family and friends laid in the streets.
Some were decapitated, while others had been burnt to a crisp.
His heart started to beat faster and he ran through what was left of his village.
He came to the place he had called home his entire life.
The house had been a simple two story wooden cabin,nothing special.
The cabin was surprisingly still standing,and if he hadn't seen the village itself he would never have guessed that there had been a massacre,not to far away.
He ran to the door pushing open only to stop at the doorway.
The walls,ceiling,even the floor was covered in blood.
He found himself starring at the couch that sat in the center of the living room.
Laying there propped up against the back of the couch was his father.
His father was still breathing,but he clearly didn't have much time left.
"Father!"Zero yelled as he ran over to him.
His father looked at him and started to try and say something only to cough up more blood.
"Zero,you have to leave."His father said weakly.
"No, I won't leave you."Zero told him.
"Listen to me Zero. You have to survive. You have to"he told his son.
"Father! Please,don't leave me!" Zero pleaded.
" I' "his father said and then he was gone.
"No!Father!"Zero screamed.
In just a few hours he had lost every one he had ever cared about.
"I swear father I will find the bastard who did this,and I will make him pay."Zero thought.
"You don't have to find him if you already know who he is."The voice voice that had awoken him earlier suddenly stated him from inside his head.
"What do you mean?" Zero demanded.
"Adam."it said and that one word caused something snapped inside of Zero.
He felt nothing but rage and the need to kill,something,anything!
His eyes changed from there normal blue to the blood red eyes of a wolf.
"Yes,give in to the rage!"the voice yelled inside Zero's head.
Zero found himself surrounded by darkness once agin,like when he first met the voice.
He still had no idea what the voice was,it just was there always shrouded in darkness.
"Show yourself!"Zero yelled into the surrounding darkness,knowing that it would be there.
There was a growl and then the sound of paws hitting the ground.
A wolf like creature stepped out of the darkness.
It's fur was black,it had blood red eyes,and was barring it's teeth at him.
It was a wolf in every way yet it seemed more deadly than any wolf he had ever seen.
"What are you?"Zero thought knowing that the wolf would be able to hear him.
"I am you."The wolf replied with a growl.

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