Bad Boy Love~ Part 8

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The cops helped up Joe and handcuffed Jake.

What are they doing?

"No!" I screamed out at the cops.

They all ignored me and kept reading Jake his "Miranda Right's" as Jake tried to argue back.

"Listen to me!" I screamed out, making the cops finally turn their attention to me.

"He is the attacker," I said while pointing to Joe. "He is the hero!" I said while pointing to the now bruised and scratched Jake.

The cops quickly handcuffed the unconscious Joe and took the handcuffs off of Jake.

"Sorry," said the cop who had nearly beaten the living day lights out of Jake.

"Yeah," Jake growled as he cracked his neck and wiped the blood off of his cut-up lip.

The cops said the 'Miranda Rights' to the unconscious Joe, and put him in the back of the cop car.

Just then, an ambulance showed up and pulled into the parking lot. A paramedic quickly scrambled out of the car and ran over to Jake and I.

"Is anyone in major pain?" he asked while looking at the both of us frantically.

This dude is obviously new to the job because he needs to learn how to calm down.

"No," started Jake, but then he stopped and looked at me to see if I was okay.

I shook my head, still stunned from everything that was happening.

The paramedic took Jake and I to the ambulance and sat us down on the back.

"I will be right back to get some things for your cuts," he explained while rummaging through the first aid kit in the back.

"I.. I- I," I stuttered out, but I couldn't find any words to say.

"I know, alright?" Jake snapped at me.

"What was tha-" I began, but I swallowed my words to keep the peace.

I sat there on silence and the only noise I heard was the screaming of the cops and the heavy breathing of Jake.

"Found it!" the paramedic called out, breaking the awkward silence.

The paramedic cleaned Jake's cut and he didn't show one sign of pain from the sting. I have been deathly afraid of disinfectant since I was young, it would sting my cuts and I just flat out hated it.

The paramedic wrapped Jake's cuts and then turned to me with the rubbing alcohol.

"No, thank you," I said while holding up my hand to push him away.

That was a bad idea, because when I held up my hand it revealed my cut, making the paramedic even more tenacious.

"The blade could have been dirty," he argued.

"I don't care," I said while scooting away from him.

"Maya, just do it," I heard Jake mutter.

I shot him the death glare before shaking my head 'no' again.

"Do you want your hand to get infected?" he said very fast.

"No," I said while looking down at my hand.

"Then give me your hand!" insisted the paramedic.

I looked down at my hand and then scrunched my eyes shut. I exhaled a deep breath and then extended my arm to the paramedic.

I heard him chuckle as he put the wet cotton ball on my hand. I cringed ay the stinging sensation and screamed, in my mind of course.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" he asked.

I opened one eye and saw my, now clean, hand. I watched as he wrapped my hand in a bandage.

"Kinda," I said while pulling my hand back into my lap.

I heard Jake let out an annoyed breath while he rubbed his face. "Just shut up," he muttered.

The suprised paramedic awkwardly walked into the ambulance and started putting things away. Not every day you hear the hero put don't the girl he just saved.

"You know," I started while turning to Jake, "If you think I am so annoying, then why did you help me, huh?" I said while trying to sound strong. "Imagine not having me to deal with right now! You would never have to see my disgusting face again, but you helped me. So you can't act like everything I do is so annoying to you because you could have ignored me and let me die. Think about that one," I said to him with tears in my eyes. I can't believe him right now.

He let out an exasperated sigh, then he turned to look at me.

"Don't worry Princess," he said softly.

It made me calm down and feel better. Until he said the next thing.

"They would bring you back!" he chuckled.

Like a punch to the stomach.

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