Two enemies, a bed and lots of Butterbeer

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Before we begin...WARNING!!!! This one-shot contains some mild smut. It isn't overly detailed, but if you don't want to read it you can skip it.

In Harry's point of view

I sat with Ron and Hermione as we unloaded the many bottles of Butterbeer Ron and I had stored away for when Christmas holidays came around. "I am only left to wonder how you two were able to get so much Butterbeer." Hermione said, pulling out a bottle and giving it a quick look-over.

"We've been collecting them up since school started, so it didn't take that long." Ron said, inside the ring of bottles he had made. "How many people did we invite, 'Mione?"

Hermione looked up. "Well, I don't know an exact number but I know that I invited nearly all the school."

Ron shuddered, "Even the Slytherins?"

"Well, no. Only-" Hermione was cut off when the portrait swung open and Neville led in a procession of students, last of the lot was Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson and, of course, Malfoy.

"Hullo Harry." I heard a soft voice say behind me. I turned around to see Luna seated on an odd looking cushion. "Hey Luna, do you want some?" I asked passing her a bottle. She took it and the rest of the bottles were passed around. "To the holidays!" I called out, lifting my bottle.

"To the holidays!" Everyone cheered, even Malfoy raised his bottle a little. We all took a huge gulp and let the festivities begin. Hermione ran from the room with another Hufflepuff girl at her fifth bottle and Ron, being a caring boyfriend, ran after her. One by one, everyone began to leave. Hermione and Ron eventually came back and kept drinking. "Herm'ny," Ron slurred. "C'n we go upsturs?" Hermione, who had refused to drink more dragged him up the stairs to their shared dorm room. I sighed and glared into my bottle.

"Not drinking much tonight, eh Potter?" Malfoy said, flopping down beside me. I breathed a laugh.

"It's my third bottle, I just didn't want to get drunk in front of everyone.

"Still just Saint Potter aren't you?" He said, grabbing two more bottles. "I'm a bit tipsy so It won't matter, drink up." I took the bottle from his hand and started to gulp it down.

I lost count how many drinks I had and Malfoy looked like he was about to pass out. My mind fogged up and started to change around my thought. Draco looked kind of cute. Scratch that, he looked hot. I struggled to get up and I crawled towards him. He slowly opened his eyes and grabbed my wrist, pulling me closer. "Can I help you?" he asked, the alcohol not affecting his speech. I pulled myself closer and pressed my lips to his. He held me closer and kissed me back, pushing his tongue into my mouth.

Okay, smut stuff about to happen. I'll alert you when it's over and stuff, but if you are gonna read it...ENJOY!

He lifted me off the ground without breaking the kiss and dumped me on my bed. "Just remember that you started this." He said, trailing kisses down my jawline and neck.

"You kept't going." I reminded him. He slid off my glasses and nibbled at my ear. I held back a moan as he unbuttoned my shirt and continued to his down my chest. I held back my moans as he stopped at my stomach and slipped off his own shirt. He pulled me up for another kiss as his hand reached down my pants and stroked my member through my underwear. I let out a moan and he pulled me closer and silenced me with the kiss. I reached behind him and pulled his pants down, eventually kicking them off the bed. Draco smiled and slid his hand into my underwear. "D-Draco!" I moaned as he stroked my member. "Shh, it gets better." he whispered, taking my underwear and pants off me. He slid his own underwear off and gently stroked my entrance with his fingers.

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