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"Zion over here over here!"

Think fast. Only thirty seconds on the board.

I passed the ball to Tibbs.

Now I've got to block this guy.

Don't lose focus on the ball.

"Zion". I looked to my left.

Mckinney passes it to me. Good choice.

Fifteen seconds to go.

I gotta make it to the three point line that's the only way we can win. We're down by two.

Tribble. Move. Stick.

Here's the line. I stopped short and jumped for the shot.

I can't even look.

The buzzer goes off and the crowd is going crazy.

I look up to see our score raise by three points.

"Yes!" I high fived James and caught my breath.

Coach called me over.

"Good play. I'm sitting you out for the for minute of this quarter for a break and im putting Dunbar in". I nodded and took my towel and water bottle from the assistant.

This is my first game playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers. I was drafted just two weeks ago in a last minute decision by the nba officials.

I barley been on the team for a hot second and I've been on every sports blog there possibly is. Not for my talent or for making the team it's because of my crazy ass ex girlfriend has been making her presence known everywhere I go.

Ever since I got that call saying I made the team she's been on my dick. The reason we broke up was because she never had time for me, but now that I'm somebody she acting like I'm the most important thing in the world.

"Zion your up again". I drunk some more water from my bottle before heading back on the court.

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