the thirtieth text

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7:32 pm

these sessions are tiring.

how did it go?

we talked. he doesn't understand me tbh. i know he doesn't.

he has a degree and stuff so i think he somewhat knows what he's dealing with, when he talks to me.

i was such a brat lol.

i bet you weren't.

he asked me how everything is.

and i said "it sucks."

and then for the rest of the session i sat there.


he told me that i needed to smile more.

knock knock.


gosh lennon, you're supposed to say 'who's there?'

who's there?

broken pencil.

broken pencil who?

never mind.




get it?

ok fine that was only half-bad.


did you smile?

kind of?

good, we're getting there.

7:59 pm

uh i'm going to the coffee house later.

want to come?

a u t h o r ' s  n o t e :

happy early thanksgiving to all you fellow canadians heh

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