This is the end.

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My eyes widen. "RILEY!!!!" I quickly go in the window. "STOP!" He yells at me. "Take one more step and your girl gets got." He said angrily. Tears quickly form in my eyes, threatning to fall. "Please.." I said quietly. "M-Maya!" I heard Riley choak out. The man quickly grabs her hair, snapping her head back, holding the knife on her neck. "You talk again, you die." He told her sternly. Tears begin to flow from my eyes. "YOU PROMISED!" I quickly run at him, knocking the knife out of his hand..
True love casts out all fear.. That was the case at that moment. I forgot all fear. I'm willing to die just to know my girl is safe.
"Oh, you're being brave now?" He says calmy as he smirks again. Why is that smirk so familier? Is it- my eyes widen realizing who it is. "LEAVE MY GIRL ALONE!" I yell as I run, picking up the knife, running over to him, about to cut him but he quickly moves out of the way only to reveal Riley was behind him. My eyes widen as I quickly try to stop, accidently cutting her myself, causing my eyes to widen even more. "RILEY!!!! I'm so sorry!!!!" I say as tears quickly flood from my eyes. "D-don't worry.. I'll be fine.." I look into her eyes. "But Riley-!" She interrupts me. "Trust me." I quickly turn around, seeing the man about to grab me. I quickly cut his arm, causing blood to come out, some getting on me. My eyes widen. He's holding his arm, trying to stop the blood. I take the oppertunity to quickly push him out the window. He quickly tried to come back in, I quickly go out with him, trying to push him off the fire escape. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He yelled angrily at me. I look him in the eyes, a firey hatred in mine. "You promised." I said angrily, my voice low. "Has everyone ever kept their promises? Have you kept all your promises?" My eyes widen. Don't listen to him. He's trying to get into your head, Maya. Don't listen to him. He's just trying to catch you off guard to take you down. Don't listen to him. I quickly run at him, jump kicking him, knocking him off of the fire escape, dropping the knife. I just look down at him, processing what I just did, watching blood come from where I stabbed him. I did that. I just did that. Wh-what have I done?! I start to panic slightly. Wh-what if I go to jail? I can't! I JUST GOT MY GIRL BACK AGAIN!!!! I start to calm down slightly, going back into Riley's room. I quickly go over to her, untieing her, removing the tape from her mouth. She quickly gets up, wrapping her arms around me in a hug as I do the same, not caring if her blood gets on me. "I'm so sorry.." I said quietly into her ear. She pulls away, holding me at arms length, looking in my eyes. "Maya, this is not your fault.." I look down slightly. "Yes it is. I brought him her-" she interrupts me, "no, Maya. You didn't have a choice. Stop blaming yourself for everything. This isn't your fault! But you know what is your fault?" I look down sadly, knowing what she'll say. "The fact that we met, the fact that we started dating, the fact that I love you so much." She puts her hands on my face, pulling my face to look up at her. She soon closes her eyes, quickly pulling me to her, kissing me passionatly. I kiss back passionatly, suddenly, I hear a gasp, feeling Riley's lips come off of mine. I quickly open my eyes, seeing Riley with a knife in her back, the man coming to me. My eyes widen as tears just fall from my eyes with out warning. "YOU FU-" I stop myself, not even wanting to cuss around Riley, even if she can't hear me. "WHY NOT ME?! I'VE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH! JUST KILL ME!!!!" I quickly go over to Riley, forcing the knife from her back. "I want you to suffer." He says calmly as he comes over to me. I put the knife up to my neck. "Don't come closer. I'll do it!" I say as I back away slightly. His eyes widen. "NO! I NEED YOU ALIVE!" He yells as he runs to me. I slowly begin to cut my neck, causing him to stop abruptly. I can feel the blood coming from my neck, going down my chest. "M-Maya.." I heard Riley say weakly, causing my eyes to widen. "Y-you're alive?!" I say as I run to her, ignoring the pain in my neck. "Please.. Maya.." I look at her with puppy dog eyes. "I can't.. Riley we can end this pain.. We can just.." I put the knife back up to my neck, tears sliwly going down my face, Riley now crying too. "T-together.." She said weakly. I pull her up to me, kissing her one last time. I hold the knife to my neck, digging it into my skin, feeling the sting. More blood pouring out. Riley soon takes the knife, but cries hard. "I-I can't! MAYA DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!" I try my hardest to stay concious for at least one more minute. Every second passes, it gets harder to stay awake. I take the knife from her, it's getting too hard to even hold up the knife. "Then- I'll do it-" I choaked out. Before anything can happen, my life begins replaying in my mind like a movie. Everything I've done, said, thought. Every moment I'm with Riley, every miserable moment I'm not. Soon, everything just goes black. It's over.

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