A baseball bat is an extremely good weapon

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Somewhat inspired by an AU on Instagram :)

Derek and Stiles pulled up at the woods later that night. Derek got out of the car quickly, slamming the door behind him. Stiles huffed at his impatience, shoving the door open and hobbling out into the cold air. He proceeded to follow the werewolf slowly, muttering every now and then.

"I told you not to come."

"Derek this is Malia! I'm not that much of a liability."

"Yes you are. Especially on that broken ankle."

"Hey!" Stiles smacked Derek on the back of the head with the crutch. "I can be lethal!"


"That's not all, you see what I can do with a baseball bat."

"Stiles shut up."

"I happen to think a baseball bat is an extremely good weapon."

Derek suddenly launched himself at Stiles and pushed him up against a tree, his hand clamped over his mouth. Stiles let out a muffled sound of annoyance, frowning at Derek.

"Shh." Derek held a finger to his lips. He peeked round the other side of the tree and listened intently.

"So this is where she is?"

"I'm sure of it." Stiles' eyes widened when he heard Theo Raeken's voice alongside his ex-girlfriend's.

"Ok. Thanks Theo."


Derek waited until the footsteps had disappeared.

"What the hell Derek? We could've stopped her! She was with Theo!"

"That is precisely why I didn't stop her!"

Stiles scowled and picked up his fallen crutches. He hobbled off in the direction they had come.

"Why the hell was she with Theo?" Jealousy was written all over Stiles' face.

"He probably knows something about her Mom."


"The desert wolf? Trying to kill her? Did you not listen to a word we said this morning? That is the whole reason everyone is out looking for her, idiot."

Stiles hit him with his crutch again.

"How do you know all this again?"


An awkward silence followed.

"So... You and Braeden?"

"No." Derek sighed. "That ended as soon as it started. I realised I wanted something else."

"Sorry man."

"Stop apologising you idiot."

"Hey!" The crutch was once again thwacked against Derek's head. "See? I'm lethal!"

"Do that again and I'll rip your throat out-"

"With your teeth yeah yeah, I get it."

Stiles turned so he was face to face with Derek. He could feel his breath on his cheeks and he realised how close they were standing. Neither of them moved.

And suddenly Derek's lips came crashing down on Stiles' in a spur of impulse. Stiles dropped his crutches and found himself winding his hands around Derek's neck, deepening the kiss. Derek tangled his hands in Stiles hair, and suddenly realised what he was doing.

He pulled back so fast Stiles fell. Putting a hand to his lips, Stiles stared up at Derek, confusion written all over his face.

"Stiles I..."

"What was that..."

The werewolf turned and ran. Away from the awkward situation. Away from the (sexual) tension. Away from the crippled boy that was stranded in the middle of the woods at night. The boy he wished he could be honest with.

Away from the boy he knew he loved.


"You left him?!" Scott bellowed as Derek turned up at his house without Stiles. "Alone?!"

"He has the car!" Derek said defensively, guilt and regret flashing across his face.

"Derek he can't drive with a broken ankle!"

Scott didn't need to say any more. Derek was already out of the door and speeding down the road to the woods. Scott wasn't far behind him.


Oh that's great. Thanks Derek.

Stiles was sat in the same spot that he'd fallen onto. He'd been sitting there for at least 10 minutes, wondering what the hell had just happened.

And he'd kissed Derek back hadn't he?

Huffing, Stiles pulled himself up in his crutches and head off. But which way? Stiles had lost track of the direction in which they'd come in. Each way was just another splattering of trees. He decided just to walk, and see if anyone found him.

He found a clearing, which seemed nice enough. Apart from the man standing in the middle. Stiles stood, frozen to the spot.

"Hello Stiles." The voice that plagued his nightmares made his blood run cold.

"How are you alive?"

"Oh you know, Theo with his little resurrection spell. Pretty great really." Stiles tried to control his panic as the man stepped closer.

"Didn't think he'd pull you along for the ride."

"Oh he did." He was stood directly in front of Stiles now, his face twisted up in an evil smirk. "He knew how badly I wanted to hurt the boy that killed me. I'm here for you Stiles. Theo needs to see you."

"Why the hell does Theo need to see me?"

"He needs you in his pack Stiles. I'm here to bring you to him." Donovan stepped closer as Stiles stepped back.

"So did Theo tell you not to hurt me or are you just feeling nice today?"

"Oh no Stiles. He told me to make you so hurt that you can't get away."

"That sounds like a great plan. You'll have to catch my first." Stiles swung his crutch at full force into the chimera's head, sending him crashing to the ground. He tried to limp away, but a pair of claws tore into his broken ankle, sending him tumbling down.

"You can't fight me Stiles." Donovan dragged his claws up Stiles' back, digging them into the base of his neck. Stiles let out an agonized scream. "You wont win this time."

Hey guys, I was wondering if you could give me some feedback? I have no idea if any of you are actually enjoying where this is going, so if you could make a comment on something you like/hate that would be much appreciated :)

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