Chapter 18. Already Dead-Pool

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After we had cracked the last part of the list and called Scott about the fact that the printer had somehow managed to print the new and improved deadpool, he had told us that we needed to come to school. He was right, we can't ditch, especially since we aren't going to be able to do anything about the new list until after school anyway. Parrish is at home asleep and we need his help to access police records, and since our only other friendly neighborhood police officer who allows us access to those records is in the hospital, Parrish is all we have.

When we got to school, Scott had informed us that Liam had the same thing happen to him last night... which makes sense as to why Stiles' printer had been beeping so much, because it had been trying to print the list off all night long. Apparently, Coach's printer began to do the same thing before Scott and Liam went to second bell. 

So, that means that the list is available to pretty much everyone now. Any amateur can see the list and the names and the money and just go for it. Plus, Derek's name is not on the revised list-- and his amount was added to Liam's amount, so instead of being worth three million... he's worn eighteen million. Mine and Scott's amounts didn't change, which is good. As long as we stay the two highest, people should still be wanting to target us more than they want to target Lydia, Liam, Kira, and Malia.

Apparently, tonight was the big bonfire for the school to get amped up for Lacrosse. Seeing as how Scott is the team captain, he kind of has to go... plus Liam is attending and he can't be left alone right now. So, Stiles and I were going to see Parrish with Lydia after school let out so we can see if we can get any information on the names. Kira was in Palo Alto with her mother, whom had been attacked by a Berserker the night that Scott "died". I had no clue about it, but apparently when she was at my house the other night it was because she was saying good-bye to Scott.

Which leads us to now, being at the Sheriff's Station with Parrish and attempting to get information on the names of the people on the list that Lydia had just gotten. The only name I had recgonized when I read it was that of Lorraine Martin, the others were all just names to me... but I had a feeling they were people around Lydia's grandmother's age.

"Well, it's not another deadpool. More like an already deadpool." Parrish stated as his fingers danced across the keyboard of Lydia's laptop. 

Apparently, yesterday Lydia had taken Parrish to Derek's loft where he was given the Beacon Hills supernatural crash course. We still have no idea what he is, because apparently Haigh had zip tied him to the steering wheel of his cruiser and set it on fire... yet Parrish survived without a single burn. It made sense, considering he came storming in here stark naked with black soot all over him yesterday.

"All of them? All of the people on that list are dead?" I asked in confusion. The part of the list that Lydia had just unlocked was a list of already dead people? Why the hell would that be relevant to anything? What is Lorraine Martin trying to tell us here?

Parrish nodded, "All of them. All suicides. And all at the same place." 

"Let me guess," I sighed, "Eichen House?"

He nodded again, "Yep."


"Lydia, Eichen House isn't a library. You need a warrant to get files from there." 

Night had fallen, and the three of us were now trying to come up with a plan on how to get information on the people on the list. I'm really not surprised that Eichen House is involved in our problems yet again. 

I had sent Scott a text ten minutes ago, asking how everything had been going at the bonfire but he isn't responding. I don't like not having contact with him, or not knowing what's going on with him. Especially when we are in situations such as these. I'm going to more than likely let Stiles and Lydia go to Eichen together and then go to the bonfire with Scott. Stiles and I being together right now isn't the best idea and it's easier on everyone if the two of us stay apart.

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