Chapter 10

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We started walking and we went though Cameron's house and Mason grabbed two water bottles from the fridge handing me one as we walked to the front.

"I forgot to ask do you know how to drive?" he said

"Yes I do?"

"Okay that's good because the royal family got you a gift."

He opened the door and walked outside the house following him I found a 2015 Honda Accord.

"Well you can drive so you can get used to the roads and I'll put all the important addresses on the navigation system."

He smiled at me handing me the keys to the car I gently opened the door and sat inside the driver's seat.

Mason finished with logging in the addresses and wrote down the doctor's address and I drove wherever the GPS told me too and after ten minutes we arrived I parked the car heading inside towards the doctor's office the nurse at the front desk asked for my name.

"Sophia Kane"

She smiled at me and asked me to wait although a few minutes later my name was called. 
We stood up and followed the nurse, when we got to the door the nurse walked in I was about to walk in when someone held my arm I jumped my heart beating really fast and only calmed once I realized Mason was the one who touched my arm.

"Sorry, I just wanted to tell you that if you don't want me inside I can wait outside." He said

I shrugged and he followed me into the doctor's office there was no reason for me to say no pus it might help to have a friend with me. The doctor had asked me a lot of question then asked if I wanted to hear the baby's heart.

In which I said I did so he took me to the bench and the nurse lifted my shirt and applied a cold gel then they put the Doppler I could hear a heartbeats of my baby and i fell in love that moment.

After a few minutes he gave me a CD and a printed pictures of the my tiny baby.

"We are done for today remember what I told you about the food you need to stay away from, and I'll see you in a month."

I found out that I was three weeks pregnant which is surprising that it took three weeks for my wolf to know we were having a pup.

We walked towards my car after making my next appointment.

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