Chapter Three: Ahzi?

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Stiles stared at Deaton a moment, "You know about the creature?" he asked, wondering how he could know when he just got back into town.

Deaton chuckled softly and nodded. "Yes, Stiles, I know about the creature. Come on back, and we can discuss it more," he said and gently pushed open the door thing to allow Derek in since he wouldn't have been able to do it himself.

Stiles eyed the doctor for a moment before following Derek into the back room, closing the door behind him. "Any idea what it is?" he asked and looked at the vet.

Deaton smiled, "No, not yet, but I'm sure the two of you have a few ideas, otherwise, you wouldn't be here," He said and looked between them expectantly.

Stiles pursed his lips slightly before letting out a sigh, "Yeah, we have an idea," he said and dropped his bag onto the operating table between them. "I still had a copy of Gerard's bestiary. I translated most of the passages, not exactly accurate though," he said and pulled out his laptop and turned it on.

"Which is why you're here, correct?" Deaton inquired.

Stiles nodded slightly, "Yeah, we think it's an Ahzi," he said and pulled up the passage on the creature. "But the translation gets kind of jumbled, so we don't know if that's actually what it is or not," he said and shrugged slightly. "Been the closest so far, though," he said.

Deaton nodded slightly and read over the passage for a moment, "You are correct, Stiles, this translation is very jumbled," he said with a small smile. He stood up straight and walked into his office for a moment. "Lucky for you, I happen to know what an Ahzi is," he said and came out, carrying a small leather-covered book. "It's a mythical creature said to have originated from a time when Darachs needed someone or something to do their dirty work for them. So, they took a bunch of humans and sacrificed them. Twenty-four hours later, they came back as this," he said and flipped to a page in his book to reveal a picture of a creature that looked a lot like the one they saw last night. "Look familiar?" he asked.

Both Derek and Stiles nodded, but only the latter spoke, "Is there a way to kill it?" he asked. "Cause Derek ripped it's throat out, and it didn't do much, and Gerard's bestiary said that ripping out the heart should work, but it has to be done a certain way, but it didn't explain how."

Deaton chuckled softly, "Yes, Stiles, everything has at least one weakness. The Azhi's is it's heart, though like you said it's not always that easy."

"Yeah, we already know that. How are we supposed to actually kill it?" Derek asked, kind of wishing the vet would just get to the point already.

"That I don't know, Mr. Hale," Deaton said and looked at Derek."It's never been recorded, though some legends say the Ahzi's heart is made of ice. It's not just cold-hearted, it doesn't feel anything, for anything. I'm sure you two smart gentlemen with be able to figure something out," he said with a nod before handing Stiles the leather-bound book. "Just read this, it will tell everything you need to know."

"Wouldn't it just be easier if you told us everything you know?" Derek asked, annoyed.

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