Shego's Return

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Kim's P.O.V:

I'm currently seated in the rest area of my house grounds, work which had been very tiring, done for the day. It's been a year since I graduated college, it has also been a year since I last saw Shego as well. A part of me always wondered when I can get to see her again, a part of me also says that I shouldn't care when I would get to see her again. If you're wondering I work for GJ now so I'm still saving the world from world domination from time to time, but still no sign of Shego. I had just about given up my hopes about ever finding Shego ever again. Until a familiar voice beside of me spoke "Looking a bit out of mood pumpkin, mind tellin' me what's up?" That's when I bolted up, front flipped away from the table, took my fighting stance and I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and that is when I started thinking I might be going crazy.

Shego's P.O.V:

Wow, even after a year without fighting me my princess has still got it, wait what? MY princess? What's happening to my grammar these days? "Sh..Sh..Sheg..Shego?" Her fighting stance had softened, I smirked at this and sighed, not in a "I'm getting bored by you." Sort of way but in a "I missed you so much, it's been quite a while." Sort of way. I gave her my trademark smirk which I used to wear when we were about to fight "Hey Kim. Long time no see." She must have picked up my smirk because her eyes turned from shocked to serious. "Why the hell are you here Shego?!" So she hasn't changed one bit, still has that curious spark. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly since the news I'm going to tell her was something I didn't want to tell anybody at all, but judging by the circumstances, I have no other choice but to do so. "I have something to tell you."


Okay this is an author's note, this fanfic is about a comic on google called "Kigo: A Secret Love." Though I detailed some other stuff in my version so please don't hate me of there are somethings you don't like, message me instead about what you think I should do next and I will try my best. I 'm only a beginning leveled writer, so unless I get at least 5 votes to let me know if I should continue this fanfic.

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