12 Reunion

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The addressed stared unblinking ahead of herself.

"Yui? Do you recognize me?", Yuna asked anxiously, as she looked at her younger sister.

"Do you know this girl?" Behind Yui was a male nurse who had his hands on the handles of the wheelchair.

"She's my sister."

"Then you're the other girl who was admitted a few days ago?"


"Oh ... sorry." The man pushed the wheelchair out of the elevator and scratched his head embarrassed.

"Yeah ... I guess.", answered Yuna, who had receded. Then she searched Yui for injuries. "Yui?" Irritated, she waved her right hand in front of the other girl's eyes.

"I fear she won't respond. I'm sorry."

The blue-haired turned her attention back to the nurse. He had a muscular build and short, black hair. "What is wrong with her?"

"She has suffered a stupor."

"A what?"

"This means that she doesn't react to external stimuli. She's catatonic. She must have experienced something incredibly terrible."

The high school student thought about this statement. What could have happened to Yui? Hopefully, Tirr was not able to get a hold of her. Though ... She couldn't be sure about that, since Yuna had passed out. Had Yui perhaps heard everything that had happened in the living room? The walls were not particularly thick.

How incredibly helpless must she have felt, as Tirr and his beasts had attacked their family.

"Is she hurt?", asked the blue-haired.

"Only a few scratches. I have just bathed her, and now I'll bring her back to her room."

"Can I join you?"

The male nurse pondered. "Actually, you should be in your bed."


"Well, okay. I'll make an exception. But don't sell me out." He grinned mischievously.

"I don't even know your name."

"I'm Takashi."

She introduced herself: "I'm Yuna."

Takashi viewed her from head to toe. "Why are you running around in your nightgown, Yuna-chan?"

"I took a walk."

He smirked. "Why didn't you ask your ward nurse for something to dress?"

The girl grinned embarrassed.

"You're a runaway girl?!"

"Well ..."

Takashi had to laugh out loud. "You must feel pretty well, if you run around the hospital half-naked. I'm glad."

Yuna's expression went deadly serious immediately. Unsettled, Takashi sought eye contact. They stared at each other uncomfortable. The nurse broke eye contact first and looked down the hall.

"I'm sorry, Yuna-chan."

"I should go."

"Okay." The high school student walked past him and pressed the button to call the elevator. "Yuna-chan ... she may not respond, but she can hear us."

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