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My name is Jasmine. I'm 18 years old.

When I was 15, my father raped me. I told my family. And they didn't believe me. Two weeks later. After crying & having no one. I packed up my stuff & left.

I never heard from my family again.
I live my bestfriend Kelvin, he's always been there for me no matter what.
Kelvin is a nice guy.
He is a light skin with curly hair ,hazel eyes , and braces. He treats me with respect unlike my ex boyfriend James. James can't accept the fact that we are over and he constantly tries to get back with me everyday.
Kelvin has a girlfriend too, Jessi.
See I like Kelvin,but I know he doesn't like me.
He plans to get married to Jessi. Jessi is beautiful. Something I could never compare to. She's smart too. Whenever she's around its like I don't even exist to kelvin. She's perfect. And perfectly trash.
But it's okay. I'll be fine , all by myself.

Today Kelvin invited to the movies.
I bet Jessi is gonna be there, as always.
I'm always a third wheel.

When I get there of course Jessi is sitting next to Kelvin. She notices me and smiles,
I sit next to her & just watch the movie.
We are watching The Visit. It's fun to watch a scary movie by yourself, you know no one to hold. *smiles through the pain*
Then like 2 minutes when into the previews a really cute guy sits next to me and asks my name.
"Jasmine," I say, trying not smile.
"My names Jordan," he says and puts his arm around me.
I look at his arm then look at him.
"Whatchu doing ?" I say
"Just sitting next to my new girlfriend of course," he responds.
"You looking mighty fine, I bet you hella smart too"
"I am not your girlfriend, we haven't even been on a proper date yet"
"Of course we have. This is our proper date."
"Whatever," I respond .

I don't care to say anything about it. Jordan seems like a nice guy, plus he's cute.

After the movie we exchange numbers and he texts me, While looking at me in the movie theater before I leave.
He plays too damn much.

Then I see Kelvin. His face looks angry. And it seems it's directed toward Jordan.

Maybe I'm just tripping.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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