Chapter 1

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(The guys are Mahogany are 16)

Cameron's POV:

It was cold and raining hard outside. I was at home like usual with the MagCon boys.

All of a sudden, the door bell rang.

"I'll get it!" I yelled and ran towards the door.

I opened it and saw a baby girl in a basket, on the floor crying.

(A/N she's 5 but short for her age)

I picked her up and carried her inside.

"Yo guys. There's a baby outside our door!" I yelled trying to calm her down.

"Cameron, it better not be one of those stupid smack cam shits." Gilinsky said.

"It's not!" I yelled bring the girl towards the boys.

"What are we gonna do with her?" Nash asked.

"I don't know. But for sure we are gonna keep her." I said.

"Ok." They said and walked towards the baby.

"Tell her to stop crying." Johnson said.

Taylor smacked Johnson on the back of the head making him saying "ow".

The baby laughed.

"Eye it's working!" Nash said excitedly "do it again!"

Taylor did it again.

The baby kept on laughing and laughing.

"What are we gonna name her?" Matt asked.

"How about Madison?" Gilinsky suggested.

"Hell no!" We all complained.

"How about Alexis?" Matt said.


We agreed on Alexis.

"I'm gonna bathed her." I told them and they nodded.


"Hey cutie. How are you?" I asked in a baby voice while drying her hair.

I put her on some of Hayes' clothes that will probably fit her.

Then I brushed her hair and carried her downstairs for dinner, since it was 10:00 pm.

Most people eat dinner around 7:00-8:00 pm, but in the MagCon Family, we eat it around 9:00-10:00 pm.

"DINNER'S READY BITCHES!!" Taylor yelled.

"Taylor! We have a baby here! Do you want Alexis' first word to be 'bitch' ?" I yelled at him.

"Yeah! Plus, if the Alexis goes to first grade, and the teacher asked her what was her first word, what would she say? Bitch?" Carter added.

"Oops! Sorry. I just forgot." Taylor apologized.

I sighed loudly and said, "whatever."

I placed Alexis on the table and Matt came and hugged her.

"Hey cutie. Who's a cute cutie? I am I am!" He complimented himself.

"She's so cute." Aaron said.

"Yesssss!!" I yelled.

"She's mine though." Matt said.

"Ha! You wish." I said.

Matt pouted but laughed at the end.

Taylor passed out the plates filled with hamburgers and fries.

I cut small pieces of the hamburger so Alexis could eat on it.

We all stared at Alexis like a creep and waited for her to eat.

She looked up and and stared at us with her deep brown eyes just like mines.

She finally took a piece of fry and ate it.

We clapped for her and she smiled widely.

*after dinner*

"Let's go to bed Alexis." I told her as she yawned.

She putted her arms up for me to carry her and I did.

"Wait! She doesn't have a room yet." Johnson said.

"It's alright. We have plenty of rooms but no nursery items yet." I said.

"Mahogany can get them for us and some clothes for Alexis too." Matt said.

"Ok. Then she'll sleep with me." I said.

"NO!!!!!! Me!!!!" Matt yelled, kicking my waist.

"FINE! NOW STOP!" I yelled, kicking hard, making him fall off the chair.

We laughed and I handed Alexis to Matt.

"Say goodnight to your dad, and uncles, Alexis." Matt told Alexis.

"Woodnight." Alexis mumbled with her eyes closed.

"Night guys." I said.

"Night." They said back.

Soon, we fell asleep in our own room.

Found By Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now