Chapter 34

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Cry me an ocean, build you a boat then sail away

No Ones P.O.V
Peaking her head through the door the visitor walked in smiling at Ayesha .

" Hey Ayesha , long time no see." She mumbled loud enough for her to hear as she took a seat.

" Who told you I was here." She asked curiously laying up in her bed .

" The streets talk ."

" If the streets talk then so does these walls." Ayesha replied trying to read the girl.

" So how's the family and everything?"

"Look, I'm not playing your little games what do you want."

" I want you.. But since that's not up for bargain I need a favor ."

The room got awkward and completely silent until Ayesha decided to speak up .

" Hell no , I'm not doing nothing crazy so the door bitch ." Ayesha pointed her finger in the direction the door looking at the girl crazy .

The girl looked down at her acrylic nails examining them as she looked up.

" Now is that anyway to talk to someone who helped you baby girl ?"

" First stop with the pet names , I only allow MY niggas to call me that and second you're a little bipolar psyc-."

" I'd watch that tone if I were you Ms.alexander everyone's exposable."

" Bitch expose me then."

Ayesha was getting fed up with everyone treating her like she was oblivious to everything.

The girls facial expression fell and she stood up walking in front of her bed.

" Wait, please just listen it's nothing extreme ."

" Just say it damn."

" Can you check my eye ."

Ayesha moved the cover crossing her legs smiling clicking the button beside her alerting a nurse .

" I surely can ."

The nurse came in 30 seconds later alarmed

" Yes ,Ms. Alexander ."

" Well an associate of mines needs her eyes checked can you do that for her .. away from me. " Ayesha ushered as she talked to the nurse folding her arms on her lap .

The girl snuck a small white pill into Ayesha drink as her attention was to the nurse.

The nurse listened intensely as she watched everything happen from the corner of her eye.

" I'm sure I can ." She said politely as she tried to keep her head down dismissing herself .

The previous girl looked at Ayesha walking out . " you'll regret this ."

" I'm sure I will honey , have a nice day  ." Ayesha waved as the girl left .

The nurse and the girl stood outside talking.

" What did you slip into her drink ?" The nurse asked pushing her glasses up.

" Don't worry about that, just do your job"

Ayesha shook her head pouring the water into the flowers turning the TV onto Bravo Tv


Devin was in the front assisting customers as Klay walked inside with his shades and Bucket hat on with Jasmine.

" Hello , welcome to Footlocker do you need any assistance today?" One of the workers asked beaming

" No thank you, I'm just looking around ." Klay replied checking out some Adidas on the rack as jasmine sat on the bench rocking her feet back and forth .

After Devin ringed up his customer he walked around the store making sure everything was in check passing Jasmine and Klay .

Jasmine coughed loudly making Devin and everyone turn their attention to her .

" Are you okay ma'am? " Devin asked politely knowing Damn well if he wasn't on the job he would've let her ass choke.

Everyone turned their heads back around once they saw someone was assisting her .

Jasmine pulled her shades down looking at Devin.

" oh hey majestic nice to see , I almost ain't see you , you was blending in with that rack , didn't I tell you that the people aren't suppose to see you until showtime? ." Devin explained laughing

" Devin , shut up I'm not in a circus "

" You sure look like one " Devin said throwing another shot laughing

" Anyways , as much as I'm enjoying this bonding time I want some Auntie Anne's so excuse me" Jasmine got up but Devin stopped her.

" I thought you were a model , doesn't that go against your dietary plan ."

" boy what the hell I'm suppose to eat air and imagination ?" Jasmine said as she walked out the stop and across the little bridge to get to the place .

" so if Jasmine's here than...." Devin said examining the room to find Klay.

" Wassup Klay sizzle " Devin said as they did their handshake

" Stop with that damn nickname , and it took you long enough to see me ."

" You're a nut , but I know I had to talk to Y(our) girl , get it OUR not just yours ? " Devin said laughing

"Yes I get it, but don't you got customers to attend to . " Klay asked observing his surroundings .

" Yeah I do so tell me why you came here so I can attend to them . "

" I came here to tell you Stephen needed you to do some things around Ayesha's house before she comes home."

" And this isn't something he couldn't text to me... "Devin dragged on leaning on the rack .

" It's so it can marinate in your little brain ." Klay said pulling out him phone going to the messages " okay so you need to ,"

• clean out the refrigerators
• take out the trash
• clean the kitchen & living room
•Get the mail and any packages
• vacuum throughout the house
• Straighten Ayesha's room up
•feed the dog

" and that's about it .." Klay finished turning his phone off

" man what the heck , what he think I'm a maid or something ?"Devin said as his face started turning red

" I mean you do stay there , but the least you can do is prepare the house for when Ayesha gets back."

"I'm only doing it for Ayesha . "  Devin shook his head turning around continuing his work .

Klay just shrugged his shoulders walking out the store to find searching for jasmine.

A/N : It's beeeeeen awhile since I updated I'm so sorry for that , I had writers block and school and people stressing ya girl out . 😴

Plus my birthday was last month 😏 but anyways
I'm about to start working on more chapters so this book can hopefully end up at 40 , but its a lot of things that still need to happen and a
lot of situations that need to be answered so it's probably not going to end at 40 😂😂.

And thank you for all the votes and comments yall be having me dying and make my day. 😊

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