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I can save her,
I'm not sure how,
But I can.

The wind stung at her face. The icey breeze biting at her bare skin. She didn't really think this through. Though she should be worrying about herself, in her current condition but her thoughts dwelled on the twins. Hopefully because of her actions the twins wouldn't be punished. She was fighting the urge to go back and help them. But Pietro was right they wouldn't be able to make it for long, they were too weak from all the experiments. She felt warm, only just a bit, must be due to her enhancement. She could hear the voices of the H.Y.D.R.A forces being carried through the wind. She stopped and looked down at herself, her skin was slowly turning blue, she wouldn't be able to fight them off a second time. Not in this state anyway.

She heard the gunshots before she saw them. They had found her. Of course they had found her, though a blizzard was on its way, you could still see her footprints. She began to run, not risking using her abilities, she needed warmth. But the only way to not return to the facility was to run into the blizzard. It was tempting to just get caught. The H.Y.D.R.A facility would be warm, she'd be fed. And she get to see the twins again. She'd get to see Pietro again. But if they were just trying to bring her back, why would they be shooting at her. No, they wanted her dead, she's gone rogue. The blizzard was coming. She could already hear the forces giving up on her and turning around. She was safe, safe from H.Y.D.R.A anyway.

She walked for what she thought was two miles when she heard it. Not far in the distance someone had screamed. Whether screaming for help, or out of terror, she wasn't sure. She ran forward as fast as her legs could carry her. In the snow she saw a small fire and then a building. A home, somewhere warmer than here. She ran towards it, and then almost collapsing on the door she knocked. The scream had come from inside the small house. The door opened a crack, and through it she could see a chocolate brown eye.

"What do you want?" The voice behind the door quavered.

"Just some shelter please, no more..." She shivered, her lips, toes and fingers blue.

The door opened and she almost fell in through the doorway. It was warm, a chilled breeze came in through the weak roofing if the house but none the less it was warm. Another voice was screaming from another room.

"What is wrong?"

"Our daughter, she is dying... She is so cold..." The man spoke tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, maybe I could try and help..." She pondered, one of the people from H.Y.D.R.A said she had healing abilities.

Shivering she walked towards the room where she guessed the girl was. The room had two fires going and the girl was cocooned in blankets. Her skin on the verge of blue. Alice walked over to the girl, she wasn't sure how she was going to help, but she thought she could at least try. Carefully, she pulled some of the blankets away from the girl to reveal blood stains. Curious to know what had happened she continued to pull away the blankets. The girl clearly visible on her chest, a bullet wound.

"How did this happen?"

"She was outside not long before you appeared."

She must've been shot. This was all her fault, if she had just stayed at the H.Y.D.R.A facility, none of this would've happened. If she had just stayed with Pietro. But right now, this girls life is what matters. Concentrating hard on healing the bullet wound she gingerly placed her hand on the girls chest. From beneath her fingertips she produced a white glow. It took several minutes but eventually the wound had healed. She re-wrapped the girl in blankets and stood up, pleased with herself.

"That's all I can do, I will leave now." Alice reported and made her way to the door. Closing it behind her and walking away.

Though she didn't know, the girl later died from frostbite.

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