chapter five

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"You doin' alright in there, greenie?" A voice above him says.

He looks up from the underground room he was in to see a dark-skinned, muscular boy. He's terrified, but he pushes down any signs of it.

"Where am I?"

"Let's not rush things, we've got tons of time here" he says, with an assuring tone "the name's Alby, do you remember yours?"

He nods slowly. It had taken him awhile to remember but it suddenly came to him as he waited in the Slammer. "Thomas."

"Nice to meet you," Alby smiles, "It's okay if you don't, but do you remember anything at all about who sent you here  and why?"

Thomas shakes his head, looking down onto the floor, gaze strong. "I-I can't remember anything." He looks up at the boy with pleading eyes, letting a glimpse of terror flash in them.

Alby nods, and opens the door of the cage-like room. He extends his arm down to Thomas. "C'mon, I'll show you around."

He climbs out, and steps outside. The sun is still bright outside, making Thomas wonder how long he had been in there. He hadn't looked around the place earlier, but he now takes note of the wooden like structures, and the group of boys spread around the vast, green field. The thing he did remember was the big, grey walls that towered like giants over them.

"I heard you had quite a dash there earlier," Alby chuckles, "until you face planted. God, wish I could've seen it."

"Me too." A new voice says.

Thomas turns to see who it had belong to. Beside Alby, was the boy he had knocked down earlier. His blonde hair wasn't as messy, and in his hand he grips a long, wooden cane - a new one, Thomas presumed. He had a fresh cut on his pale cheek and it didn't take Thomas more than a second to realize how he had gotten it from. He frowns at his comment, but understood when his eyes glance at the boy's face.

He's blind.

Thomas gasps instantly. The blonde boy's eyes were cloudy and were a glazed grey. He could see the outline of where his irises and pupils would have been. Thomas drifts off in his head and wonders what color they might have been. A dark chocolatey brown, perhaps, but that was just a hunch.

Alby shakes his head, smiling. "Thomas, you've met Newt."

Without thought, Thomas brings his hand out to greet him but stops midway. Alby sends him a glare, although knowing his actions were accidental.

"Sorry," Thomas mutters.

Newt realizes what just had happened and he shakes his head. "Don't worry about it, happens all the bloody time."

Thomas feels guilty almost instantly. And averts his gaze onto the floor, even though Newt obviously couldn't see Thomas's constant stare. Thankfully, Alby saves the uncomfortable silence.

"Newt, here, is second in command. When I'm not around, he's in charge.' Alby says, as they begin walking.

Newt smiles. "Well it's a good thing you're always around then," his steps are delayed, as if he were some kind of glitch, "can't imagine the Glade run by some blind kid."

Thomas nods, unsure how to respond to their conversation. He quickly averts his eyes to the back of the two boys. Although Newt's walking fine with his cane swinging right and left, he sees Alby sneaky hand on the blonde boy's back, guiding his walking. He sees how it helps though, there are a few times where Alby and Thomas turn into a different direction whilst Newt continues walking forwards, except Alby's hand is there to help him.

He looks back at Newt's face. He's frowning, a look of concentration hard on his face. Thomas feels a pang of guilt struck him, not just from accidentally knocking him over, but a guilt because he's been sent here. He doesn't know much about the Glade, but he does know that whoever sent Newt here, really wants him to suffer.

Which is why Thomas instantly feels as if he needs to do everything he can to protect this boy.

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