Ch. Seven- EDITED

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Lola's POV

"I'm pregnant." I say. Greg gives me a funny look before bombarding me with hugs and kisses.

What the fuck? I think.

"It's not yours!" I yell.

"What?!" he asks his mood changing instantly.

"What do you mean what? Did you really think we could possibly be having a baby together. We never FUCK Greg. Ever." I say getting frustrated.

He stalks towards my way and slaps me. I gasp and grab my face.

"Get out." I say in a calm voice.

He sneers at me. "You slut." he says before walking out of the house.

The next day I was sitting watching tv when someone knocked.

Getting up I opened it to see a pretty blonde standing there crying her eyes out. I quickly let her in.

After sitting her on the sofa and getting her a cup of tea we sit. Finally she starts talking.

"Is Greg here?" she asks. I shake my head no. "No he left After finding out some news he didn't like and slapping me. She gasps at the news.

"Why are you looking for Greg?" I ask her. But deep down I know the answer.

"Im pregnant." she whispers. "And Greg is the father. He's the only one that could be. He's the only one I have Ever been sexually involved with in my life."

I gasp at that. He took her virginity.

"Don't cry sweetie. Everything will be okay." I reassure her. I wasn't mad at her. I wasn't even mad at Greg for cheating. We both did. I was mad however at the fact that he made me out to be the bad guy when this happens.

I hear the keys rattling and I know he's here. I resume sitting on the sofa waiting for him to arrive. And when he does his face is priceless.

"Hello darling. Tea?" I ask him.

Candy stands and I can see her pregnant belly. She was at least three months.

"What are you doing here?" Greg asks her.

I answer for her. "She's here to air out your dirty secrets Greg. Like the fact that I wasn't the only one having affair. That I am not the only one being how did you put it a SLUT." I scream.

Greg tries to talk but I don't allow him. "Pack your things and leave. This engagement is over. I'm in love with someone else anyways." Again Candy gasps. Probably at the fact that Greg was engaged to me married.

Three hours later and all of his stuff is gone. Candy and I sit around on the sofa drinking tea and watching Scandal. A lot might think this was weird. Wife sitting with mistress. But it was actually relaxing. She was a nice girl and fun to talk too.

"So this guy you are in love with. He the baby daddy?"she asks.

I shake my head smiling at the thought of Sammy.


"So why aren't you with him now then. You know since you broke up with Greg?" she asks and it gets me thinking.

Why aren't I with Sammy? Why aren't I with the love of my life and baby father? I'm no longer tied down to Greg.

Yeah he's younger but age is just a number. I love him and he loves me and that's all that matters.

I quickly jump up, grab my keys and a pair of shoes and prepare to leave.

"If you need a place to crash my home is welcomed." I tell candy before rushing out the house to see my man who I love.

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