Laurinah; One Night stands... Sort of

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There she sat once again. Stirring her alcoholic beverage with the thin straw before sipping it. Her face contorted a bit at the burning sensation the vodka gave her, but that didn't displease me one bit. Instead, I studied her more closely. The way her lips closed around her straw and the way her eyes flickered around, almost as if she was expecting someone. I had a beer in my hand and friends by my side, but right now I wanted to talk to this mysterious girl. She had been coming here for a few days now and I wanted to get to know her.

I chugged the rest of my beer then strutted very smoothly over to her. Her brown eyes and tan skin popped in the bright lights, and I wanted to make her mine tonight. I sat down beside her and ordered a few vodka shots. The tall blonde sitting to my right watched me closely, as if she was studying me . Her eyes looked sad, though. after sitting still and downing shot after shot, I became bold.

"So what's your name?" I asked, trying to get some info from the mystery girl. "Dinah, but you can call me Dj." she replied lowly. I nodded. The beautiful blonde smiled when I tucked my hair behind my ear and ran my hand along my thigh. "And what's your name green eyes?" she questioned, sending chills down my spine as her sultry voice spoke out the nickname. "Lauren. Green eyes works as well, though." She giggled and soon we we're falling into a deep coversation as to why she was here.

"So yeah, Me and my ex Camila have been fighting recently. Its been months since the break up, and I just don't want to let her go completely. Of course she wants to be friends and I do as well, because I've moved on. It's just hard ya know? To let go of someone you've invested almost 2 years in. I guess I come here to empty out my head and try to see if theres anyone slightly interested in hearing about my story. But that's more than enough about me, what brings you here Green Eyes?" My face got red and my ears burned from the endearing nickname. I cleared my throat and sipped my drink before starting.

"Well, I just come here to clear my head from school. College is stressful, and theres so many guys coming after me. I'm struggling with my sexuality and my grades seem to be dropping more and more everyday. I just find this place to be my escape, and when I'm out with my friends, they know exactly how I like to let loose. I feel like I rushed into school because I was so pressured by my parents but right now I'm thinking I made the right choice of coming here. Beautiful girls like yourself are worth my time." She smiled brightly at me and then tugged me onto the dance floor once Often by The Weeknd began to blast through the speakers. Everyone grabbed someone or someones to dance with and I just got lucky that the girl in front of me had an unsually big backside. I grabbed her waist while she grinded against me and whispered the lyrics in my ear.
I gripped her waist tighter to still her movements and turn her to face me. Her hot breath hit my lips, and I praised myself for wearing heels so our lips could meet without any difficulty. I felt her move and lean in slighty before pulling away . She winked at me and kept dancing against me.

My core throbbed when she ran her hands along her body slowly. Her hands grasped my neck and bent down slighty to kiss it. Her warm lips attatched to my cool skin, warming me up instantly. I moaned a bit when her tongue ran against my neck, but moaned even more when her mouth began to nip at my pale skin. I grasped her hair while her mouth did the work.

"D-dinah. We umm.. my apartment isn't far from here. We can go back t-there if.. you want." I struggled to release my statement because she began to suck hard before pulling away abruptly. "Sure. Go tell your friends you're leaving with me and I'll be in my car waiting. Its the white mustang parked out front." I nodded and rushed off to find Normani and her girlfriend Ally. I grasped Normani's arm once I saw her and let her in on my plans. Ally was standing next to her, slurring dirty words to her while we conversed. I laughed and then quickly left to go find Dinah's car.

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