chapter five

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Dan sits up, blinking his eyes to find he's face down in the alley way.

It was just starting to become sunset, and the effects were pretty much worn off - Dan knew this because he once again felt like absolute shit. He hauls himself up off the damp concrete, glancing around the now empty alley - they've all gone.

Dan slowly drags himself out and practically staggers home as slowly as he can to let the effects wear off as much as possible. As he reaches the front of his house, he quickly sprays some deodorant from his school bag over him, hoping the mask the smell.

"Dan!" Shawn says, smiling over at him when he walks through the door, "I was getting worried."

"Sorry, detention," Dan lies, smiling at his brother, "I'm just gonna go for a quick shower, then I'll made dinner, you keep watching TV."

"Okay," Shawn says, turning back to his show, much to Dan's relief.

Dan runs upstairs quickly, heading straight for the shower. He sighs and closes his eyes, letting the hot water wash away any trace of his betrayal to Shawn on his birthday. Roughly fifteen minutes later, Dan is out and dressed in fresh clothes. He picks up the DVD he bought for Shawn and carries it downstairs with him.

"Sorry it's not much, and I couldn't wrap it, but happy birthday," Dan says, holding out the DVD to Shawn.

Shawn's whole face lights up with happiness as he takes the DVD, reading the front before attacking Dan in a massive hug.

"I've always wanted this one! Thank you Dan!" He says, his arms gripping Dan tightly, "you're the best! I love it!"

Dan smiles. Most kids would be like 'yeah, a DVD, cool, is that it?' but Shawn hardly ever gets anything, and it makes Dan happy to see Shawn so happy.

"You sit on the couch buddy, I'll cook dinner," Dan says, ruffling Shawn's hair, "I'm making your favourite - burgers and chips. And there's even cake for afterwards."

"Really? This is the best birthday ever!" Shawn says, grinning.

Dan smiles, but sadness tugs on his heart as he starts to make dinner. What is considered a pretty mediocre birthday is the 'best birthday ever' for Shawn. He sighs, he wishes he could give Shawn so much more, because he deserves it, he deserves a galaxy, but Dan is struggling to even find a star.

During dinner, after a bit of forceful yelling and playing the guilt card, Dan convinces his mother to join them, 'but only for dinner, because I have a job to go to Daniel'. Yeah right, parenting is supposed to be your job as well but you're pretty freaking crap at that, Dan thinks, but doesn't say it because he doesn't want to fight on Shawn's birthday.

"Happy birthday Shawn," She says softly once she reaches the bottom of the stairs, a hollow, forced smile on her features, but Shawn doesn't notice.

"Mum!" Shawn exclaims, rushing over and hugging her, "I missed you."

"Me too Shawn, I can't believe it's your birthday again."

That's rich considering you took a long hiatus from your son's birthdays, and parenting in general, Dan wants to say but bites his tongue yet again.

"Well, who wants dinner?" Dan asks, smiling at them both, "it's going to go cold."

"Yeah! Shotgun first!" Shawn yells, running around the corner to the kitchen.

"Don't screw it up," Dan says quietly, his tone harsh, "he deserves to have a normal, happy life for at least one day a year."

Dan's mother swallows, nodding up at her son before choking out, "I won't."

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