I'm not losing her

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We're.. Almost back at the kingdom.. I can see it in the distance. "We're almost to the kingdom." I say, causing her to look down sadly. "Oh.." She said sadly as she slowly stopped walking. I stop, turning around to face her. "Lets go princess, it's not too far away." She just looks at me, tears in her eyes, the most hurt look I've ever seen. "But.." She says quietly, her voice shaky. I walk over to her, placing my hands on her shoulders, holding her at arms length, looking her in the eyes. "Riley, you have to. Our kingdoms will be at-" as I was saying that, she looks like she got a boost of confidence, she quickly puts her hands on my face, pulling me to her, kissing me passionatly. My eyes widen from shock. I don't kiss back.. At first. I soon kiss her back passionatly. She soon wraps her arms around my waist, pulling our bodies together. She's such a good kisser. I wish this could.. I soon trail out of my thoughts, realizing that this is the princess. My only job was to bring her to the prince, nothing else. But I did more; way more than I should have. I quickly pull away, pushing her away from me, knocking her into a tree. She looks at me, wide-eyed and shocked. "Get up.." I say angrily, my voice low. She just looks at me. "Just- GET UP!" I yelled angrily at her. She gets up, fear in her eyes. "You're marrying the prince, no exceptions," I start, my voice low and angry, "I don't like you. You're just a stuck up princess that only gets her way. You're going to marry the prince. Not me." I said sternly as I kept walking. But she doesn't walk with me. She doesn't even start walking. "Come on." I said sternly. She just stands there. "COME ON!" I yell at her. But she just stands there, her fists clenched. "No." She says calmly. I turn around facing her. "What?" I asked sternly. "No!" She repeated. "I know you're lying!" She starts, catching me off guard. "I know you love me! You can't try to act like you don't!" She said, tears streaming down her face. I look at her sympathetically. "How can you know me so well when.. When we barely even know eachother.." I ask quietly. She walks up to me. "Because I can tell when people are showing their true colors. When you got mad the first time, you were. But the last two times you were mad, you weren't actually mad. You hurt me. I know you were shocked when you did that, you just didn't show it." My eyes widen in shock. "I'm sorry about that, princess.. I didn't mean to hurt you.." I said quietly, looking down slightly. She gently places her hand on my cheek, pulling me to look at her. She's so amazing. Okay. Screw the prince. She's mine now. I put my arm around her waist, quickly pulling her body onto mine, kissing her passionatly. After we pull away, she smiles warmly at me. "Yes," I start, "I will marry you, my princess."

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