Chapter 13

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Takashi kissed me passionately, never wanting to let me out of his grasp. He pulled me closer to him, deepening the kiss. I realize that Takashi is shaking as he kisses me, and release his lips.

"Takashi... You're shaking." i put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"It's just... I.... I wanna make you happy, Rina..." He says, still shaking, tears in his eyes.

"I want to be the one who makes you happy. Yes you have Kyoya and Kaoru to think about... But I want it to be me." A tear falls from his eye and rolls down his cheek.

"Takashi..." I say with a serious tone, turning his face to look at me. I wipe the tear from his eye.

"Rina...what are you doing?" He asks.

I sigh and giggle a bit. "This."

I then passionately kiss him in the lips. I had finally realized my true feelings for Takashi. I loved him. My only problem was Kyo and Kaoru. What will they think? I don't even know how I feel about them yet. What is I love one of them more than I love Takashi?

I pulled away from Takashi and smile. "You just... You..." Takashi sat staring at me in shock.

"Yes Takashi, I kissed you on my own. You didn't do it first, I did and I'm proud that I did." I stand up and offer my hand to him.

He gives me a confused look. "Shall we?" I ask. He nods slowly and takes my hand in his, lacing our fingers together as we walk toward the school.


I wake up in the nurses office, Takashi sitting right next to me waiting for me to wake up. As soon as he notices I'm awake he hugs me.

"Oh my gosh, Rina! You scared me to death!" He exclaims, hugging me tightly to him.

"What happened?" I ask.

"When I kissed you, you kinda fainted in my arms." He blushes and looks away.

Ahh... I guess the rest was a dream.

"Oh... Sorry for scaring you Takashi." I blush and try to hide my face from him.

"Let's get you home. School has already let out." He helps me up and carefully walks me out of the nurses office.

"Thanks for the ride Takashi." I say, as he helps me out of the limo. He smiles and helps me to my front door.

"The nurse told me to take you home and to make sure you rest up." I open up the door, Takashi and I step in.

"Hmm... I guess my parents are out back." I say.

"Come on... Up to your room." He carries me bridal style up the stairs and into my room.

I grab the covers from the end of my bed and kick off my shoes, getting comfortable before lying down in bed. I smile up at Takashi, thanking him mentally.

"Thanks Takashi. I really appreciate you doing this for me." I say.

He leans down toward me. "For you..." He kisses my forehead. "... I would do anything."

When Takashi left, my mom came upstairs to my room, handing me some dinner.

"Thanks mom." I say, faking a bite out of the sandwich.

"Rina... I have something I need to tell you." She says, sitting on my bed right next to me.


She gives me a nervous smile. "Your father has left again for war."

"What?! You didn't tell me!" I exclaim, upset with this news.

"I know... I'm so... Sorry Rina." She says, tears rushing down her face.

I hug her.

I hug her tight and cry with her.

What if dad dies?

What if he gets hurt and can't get better?

What if I never get to see him again?

There was a knock at the door downstairs and my mom wipes the tears from her face. "I'll get it."

I wait for a while, then hear footsteps. I smile toward the door, expecting my mother to be there, but it wasn't her.

It wasn't Takashi either.

"Hey Rina." He says.

"K-Kyoya?" I stutter.

He smiles and hands me a bouquet of roses. "I know those are your favorite." He says, kissing my cheek.



Hey guys! New update finally! I'm like the worst updater in the world, and I'm sorry. Buy at least I still care about this story and want to update it. Sometimes I forget to and then I get mad at myself because I know you guys really like this story and want me to update more.

Trust me I try.

Anyways, I hope you liked this update.

Also, the kik group is still available to join! Just use the #rinaschoice.

There is only one person who has joined, so shout out to you!

Love you guys!


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