1000 Times A Day

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I wish that I could say Team Flash remained strong, or at the least, together, after the traumatic events of their first year.

If I did, I'd be lying.

Every single team member was emotionally harmed from the experiences. Additionally, each coped differently. They shared a common method: isolation.

Taking her rightful spot as the head of Team Flash-- since Wells was no longer there-- Parker gave Cisco, Barry, and Caitlin their space. She thought a few months away would make the team stronger when they came back to resume fighting crime.

In the meantime, Parker tried to find out how to keep S.T.A.R. Labs running as their base. (Little did she know, the paperwork for that was being sent to Barry, who was set on ignoring her.)

She also managed to snag the full time sketch artist position at the CCPD to pay for her apartment, considering S.T.A.R. Labs wasn't exactly capable of paying the workers anymore.

One month passed. The only returned member from the team was Parker.

For another month, she let them be, focusing her free time on writing the inspirational speech she'd make when they did return.

Three months passed, then four, and that's when Parker drew the line.

She discovered Cisco was staying at his parents house, for blowing up his apartment, which he wouldn't go into detail about.

Caitlin hadn't answered Parker's call. She left a text message saying she accepted a position at Mercury Labs.

At the five month mark of separation, Parker came to the conclusion that getting the team together was a lost cause. There wasn't anything she could do that would draw them back.

Coincidentally, the fifth month of separation was when Barry, on his own, decided he was going to solve crime as the Flash, which, was another reason his relationship with Parker was going through trouble.

To refresh your memory, the day the singularity occurred, Barry and Parker decided they were going to continue their relationship.

Although they were in a relationship, they weren't truly together. It wasn't Parker's fault, though that's probably predictable. The cause of their rocky relationship was Barry not allowing not just her, but anyone to help.

Giving the others their time to cope while she ran the team as a lone wolf, Parker hadn't taken the time to cope herself. For that, she needed Barry, and since he wouldn't talk to her on his own, Parker decided to consult Joe on catching him off guard.

"...and that's the story of how Iris once spilled salsa on her Princess outfit."

"Joe, why are you telling me this? I was there," Barry said.

"Right. I forget. Old age, you know," Joe said smoothly. Coming to the elevator doors, he tapped his foot nervously. When they opened, Barry turned his head. His lips split.

Out from the elevator doors exited Parker, a fake smile lifting her lips. "Barry.. Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me."

"Definitely not," Barry mumbled.

Parker took his tie in her hand, giving it a slight tug to get him walking. As she led him to the Lab, Barry looked at Joe, pleading for a way out.

"Sorry, son," Joe called after them, "Should have seen this coming."

Barry followed Parker silently, heart in his throat. He didn't know how to justify his actions over the last months. He feared her reaction.

Pacing slowly in front of a seated Barry, Parker started talking calmly. "I thought I'd give you space. I let you move back in with Joe, I left you alone, I gave you time to be away from us."

"I appreciate it--" Barry tried to say.

Parker raised her voice to speak over him. "In doing so, I thought you'd come back."

"Parker, I don't know if I can come back to you.." said Barry quietly.

"If the follow up sentence is something about stopping this relationship, I'll kick your ass."

"Eddie died."

"He choose that."

"He did it because I couldn't defeat the Reverse-Flash myself."


"You aren't helping."

"Why do you think that is?" Parker shouted. She stopped in one spot. "You've pushed everyone away! You know I'm here when you need me, but you haven't needed me."

"I have needed you," Barry mumbled.

"Then why haven't you said anything?"

"Because I can't need you!" Barry yelled. His sorrowful eyes met hers. "Don't you get it, Park? You have to leave, you have to go. I can't have you around me."

"Why?" Parker snapped.

"I knew this was dangerous to everyone involved, but I can't.." Barry huffed, pausing to find the words. "I love you, with all of my heart. I can't have you gone from my life."

Parker shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't want you out of mine either. So, what would you like me to do?"

"Leave. Leave here by choice," Barry said, emphasizing the last word.

"It's not my choice I'm leaving by. It's yours."

"You should be afraid of dying, Parker. That should drive you away from me," Barry said. "Look, I-I.. I don't want you in that position in the first place."

"You also don't really want me leaving," Parker said. To that, Barry's head dropped. She kneeled in front of him. "Baby, I know I'm supposed to die doing this, but--"


Parker pursed her lips, forgetting that Barry was clueless about her connection to Gideon. "Uh, I mean, there's a chance I could. Not proven," she said.

"You don't deserve to die because of me, or because of my actions. None of you do," Barry insisted.

"It won't be because of you. I've chosen this life. I know the risk. We all do. Don't you ever forget that."

Silence took over the conversation. Barry's chin was tucked to his chest, his shoulders shaking slightly. Drawing the tears from his eyes, he looked up and whimpered, "It's hell without you."

"It was hell without you," Parker said, wiping his tears. "I need you as much as you need me. You say you can't lose me, but the same goes for me. And the only way we avoid that is by being together, helping each other."

Still, Barry tried to resist. "I've gotta go my own way, Parker."

"Was that High School Musical reference intentional?" Parker asked.

Barry laughed, further ruining the mood. "No, Park."

"You just threw me way off focus," Parker said. She bit her lip. "Oh, I got it. So, it's hard, Barry, I understand. This isn't the easiest life, but I think that it's--"

"Better together," he mumbled. Then, he leaned into her, connecting their lips, sealing their relationship with a kiss.

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