Chapter 1

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My alarm on my phone goes off. I sit up in my bed and get my phone off my dresser, I look at the time then turn off  the alarm. Its 6 am. I get put my bed and stretch. I slip on my slippers and go in the bathroom to do morningly things. After that I pick out my outfit for today. (its the chapter picture^^) I get my flat irons out of my closet and start doing my hair. I go to the kitchen and get a bowl of Lucky Charms and sat in the living room watching tv.
My dad woke up and we said good morning to each other. He went to get changed into his business clothes. I washed my bowl out and got my book bag together. "Ready kiddo,"he said. I nodded as we walked outside to his car.

•20 mins later•
My dad stopped infront of the school and we did our special handshake. I got out and went inside the school. I went to my locker and got my stuff for my classes. My first class is Ela. I walk in the room and see thots starrin hard asf.. so I rolled my eyes at them and took my seat. Today was gonna be a long day if these thots keep starrin.

•Last class•
I walked into science and took my seat. Our new science teacher, Ms.Thorn, was trying to get everyone quiet but no one listened to her. I took out my phone and was looking on IG, my page was poppin' I got 18.8k followers. I was about to put my phone back in my purse, someone ran into me almost making my phone fall😠. "Aye, watch where you goin'!,"I said. "Bitch stfu up with that ugly ass phone someone would be glad if I did break it,"that person said. I turned around to see who was talking to me, it Mya, the biggest thot of the school😭. "Bitch I know you aren't talking this phone cost more than you and your whole future!,"I snapped back, holding up my rosegold iphone6s. Everyone started "ooohhhhh'in" and shit. "Well atleast I wear decent clothes and look better,"she said back. "Bitchh you're right you wear decent clothes my clothes are the shit!, and bitchhh you look like a tacky whore from off the corner with that all red stank ass weave!"I shot back. "Whatever..,"she said flipping her dusty ass weave💨 and looked away. "Yeah thats what I thought!,"I said. The class got quiet so Ms.Thorn could start teaching, thank goodness.

∞ After School ∞
My dad are driving home. "Hey kiddo."he said. I look at him. "Um I have some news for you." "Bad or good?,"I ask. "Well, good for me but i dont know about you."he said. "Continue,"I said with a confused look. He paused for a few minutes. ___________________________ What news does he have  to tell Melony? Find out in the next chapter.
∞ comment what you think about this first chapter and whats should I put in the next chapter.
☄ Kris☁️✨

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