Chapter 8 - 'I felt like Kristen Stewart on a good day.'

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Chapter 8 -

“Was that really necessary?” I growled at Ebony who was perched across from me, shovelling ice cream down her throat. She froze in mid bite of the spoon and stared at me.

“Yes, yes it was.”

“Right in front of his mother, really? Couldn’t you have refrained from saying that while the rents’ were on board,” I ranted aimlessly, not really taking in what I was saying, “Seriously we were supposed to be nice respectable girls, now that all went down the drain.” I finished in a huff, at her oblivious acknowledgement towards authority figures.

Thankfully the authority had obviously soon departed after the mishap, what I am saying is the mother basically sprinted out the door like her life depended on it. So that left just us, chilling and loading ourselves up on shit food, something I just loved to indulge in. It was a hobby.

She continued rummaging through the carton of ‘Ben and Jerry’ looking for the cookie dough. Not even sparing me a glance, she answered, “Bitch please, I asked a police officer did he want a pull of my joint? So, why in God’s name did you say I was a respectable girl?”

I nodded impeccably, it was true, and she never was even remotely close to being respectable. "I know it was a long shot," Her response was a nod of her head, as she resumed to eating the life out of my favourite ice cream.

"You know what," she said to me while pointing the spoon in my face, "I found out the guy’s name, it's Johnny. Yes, just like a Johnny you use.” 

Oh the irony…

Her perfectly groomed eyebrows inched up a fraction, when she said, “You know he was like a bulldozer. He looked a lot like one.”  

Before I even had the chance to reply Bates and Mason cames sprinting in through the back door and flew straight out the front door screaming something about a ‘party giving them the opportunity to fuck bitches’.

* * * * *

I was jealous, I couldn’t deny it.

I tried to pretend that I didn’t want to smash his head through a glass window but it was no use, my hands were twitching for me to do exactly that. The cheeky smile that he was providing her with egged me on more to complete my desired action.

His broad fingers were tracing her jaw line as he leaned closer, and his brown eyes were entranced in her appearance. If I had male projects I would be to, with her lack of clothing.

I was regretting giving Mason the chance to haul me to this party, I didn’t even know who the host was, and I was in a dickhead mood, if someone even looked at me I would threaten to bash their skull in, I know it was a bit extreme, but it was a sucky day.

I felt like Kristen Stewart on a good day.

Bates was obviously in his element with so many girls with mere naked bodies on show. Ebony and Mason were taking shots on the pool table with the rest of the party goers. That left me, in my suffocating dress that was lacking in the breathing department.

As you could guess, I was downing vodka like it was water, attempting to pull myself out of the shitty mood I had put myself in.

Bates could obviously sense the daggers I was shooting him, because he glanced over and chuckled at my flaring nostrils. The girl, I wouldn’t even call her that, Plastic shot me daggers. Since I was in a fuck face mood I raised my glass to her, just like old times.

She looked disgusted and threw her nose up at me. She reminded me of ‘Babe’ the pig, they were twins. I couldn’t help the sarcastic smile that spread across my face, as I shot her a wink. All this entertainment was amusing Bates completely.

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