O4. The Choice

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For the past week, Hermione has been within the confines of the Library and the Room of Requirement, studying for her final exam and brewing the Felix Felicis potion, most commonly known as Liquid Luck

It had been an atrocious surprise for her, when she read it would take her six months to brew it. She couldn't possibly have that time, Dumbledore could be dead by then. But she didn't have any other option for now. Rumours were going around the castle that Dumbledore's sister was the new Defence Against the Dark Arts' teacher, causing a few students to peek through the windows or doors of the classroom, to take a good look at her. It didn't surprise Hermione at all when Penelope told her some Ravenclaw and Gryffindor seventh year' students took a fancy for Ariana Dumbledore; the woman was strikingly beautiful, despite her actual age.

She hasn't gotten the opportunity to talk to Dumbledore again; both were always very busy. However, the brunette would occasionally sight him on the corridors, but upon calling for him, Dumbledore would avoid her, disappearing down the hallways without a trace.

"Hermione –Are you listening?"

Hermione snapped out of her thoughts, giving Penelope a slightly confused look. The blonde sighed, realizing she had been talking to herself the whole time.

"I was telling you that Charlus Pott—oh!" She squealed slightly, adjusting her robes as she stole a quick glance behind Hermione. "He's coming this way."

But before Hermione could say anything, a boy wearing Gryffindor robes sat down, smiling widely at Penelope, who was blushing madly. "Lockhart," He smiled, "Long time no see. I never properly thanked you for saving me last year...so thank you, I guess."

Hermione shrugged. "Oh I wouldn't want anything to happen to Harry—I mean y-you..."

Charlus was sitting beside Hermione with his mouth half-open, staring absently at the teacher's high table, as though in thought. Penelope was munching on her cereal, staring back and forth between them with a furrowed brow. "So have you two met before?" She asked, motioning between them with her spoon.

"We have," Said Charlus, setting his glare on Hermione. "On the train last year. Speaking of, I've been meaning to ask you who that Harry boy is. You said I reminded you of him? And now you said that too..."

Hermione looked deeply troubled now, taking a long sip of her nearly finished pumpkin juice as she eyed Penelope as though screaming for help. The blonde gave her a confused look in return, lowering her glare to her breakfast instead.

"Er...Well, he was my friend you see." Said Hermione. "And you look like him. The jet black hair, the eyes, though yours are darker-" She reached out a hand to touch his rounded glasses, smiling slightly. "- Even the glasses."

"What was he like? His personality, I mean?"

"A true Gryffindor," her smile widened as she recalled all memories of her best friend, even though she frowned slightly at the blur of the most recent ones. "He would belong in Gryffindor, I don't doubt it. He is cunning too, brave and sometimes mischievous, a part he got from his father."

Charlus laughed lowly. "Sounds more like Fleamont, my brother."

"You have a brother?" both Ravenclaw girls asked.

"Err—yes?" Charlus said, casting them a weird look. He glanced at the Gryffindor table, scanning it with his eyes, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips when settling on a particular Gryffindor. He lifted his hand, pointing at the boy who was sat in between two girls. "There. That's him."

Fleamont Potter was going through the pages of his Potion's book, studying each word attentively before taking a bite on his croissant. A red haired girl was sitting on his left, drooling over his stunningly perfect features timidly, averting her eyes whenever he would glance at her.

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