When You Need A Friend

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Phil's POV:
"I'm gonna fiiiillllmmm!" Dan yells down the hall. I'm sitting on the couch texting with Chris about hanginging out. "OK! I'll join you later for your live stream. Chris wants to hang out! I'll be back on time for dinner. WITH PIZZA!" I call back as I stand and grab my keys to leave. I hurry out the door, slamming it harder than I intended to, and start walking to the train station. I'm nervous about the video Dan is recording. The thoughts of possible outcomes swirl around my head as I sit on the tube going toward the coffee shop where Chris and I are supposed to meet. Last night, Dan had come out to me as being bi and I had sent a risky email to his Internet Support Group account. I have been crushing on Dan since we met but until last night I figured it was just another one of my hopeless crushes on a straight boy. Suddenly sending him that email doesn't seem like such a good idea. I hop off the tube and walk the block that remains between myself and the coffee shop where Chris is waiting. "Hey Chris!" I say smiling as he stands to greet me. "Hi Phil, what's up?" He answers as we sit. "Oh, the usual, I'm a bloody idiot and I may accidently make Dan angry." I shrug. "Details. Now." Chris demands setting down his latte and leaning forward. "Um, so last night Dan and I were talking and he finally came out to me as bi. I, of course, was proud, and a bit excited. When I went to my room, I got onto my laptop and sent a flirty email , asking him out, to his Internet Support Group inbox. Now he's filming and I have the sneaking suspicion that he's going to find the email and, either, be mad or think I'm making fun of him." I answer, getting more and more worried with each word I say. Chris starts grinning. "What are you worried for? Dan is your best friend. If something little, like an email, could ruin that, you seriously need to re-examine your life mate." "You're probably right. Thanks chris." I say a bit reassured. We sit and talk for a few hours then I leave for the flat, stopping by to get the pizza like I promised.

Author's Note
Thank you guys so much for reading! Please leave feedback. We don't know how long we want this to go and we really need your help! XD We will try to update everyday from here on out. Thank you again. <3 you guys!

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