chapter 71✿

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It's been over a month since Michael and Cora moved. Which also means that in less than three months, i'll be joining them and Luke will go to England. It's been surprisingly easier than I thought it would be without Michael, but having Luke here with me makes it a lot easier.

"I need to go, Luke's driving me to school." I say into my phone.

"Say hey to him for me." Michael says.

"I will. Love you Mikey."

"Love you too, May. We'll talk tomorrow." Michael says and then hangs up.

I've spoken to Michael almost everyday since he moved. I really am thankful to have such a close relationship with my brother. I know most siblings don't, but i'm glad I do. Talking to him everyday makes it seem like he isn't that far away.

I put my phone in my back pocket as I walk out of my apartment, locking the door behind me. I get into the elevator and take it to the ground floor. The elevator dings and I step out into the lobby of the building. I walk outside and get into the passenger seat of Luke's car.

"Morning, babe." Luke smiles as he leans over and kisses me.

"Morning." I say after we pull away from the kiss. "Michael says hi."

"Oh, okay. Next time you talk to him, tell him I miss him being my teammate for beer pong. It's just not the same being Cal's partner." Luke laughs.

"I'll make sure I tell him." I giggle.

"My mum isn't going to be home tonight. Do you want to come over after you're done in school?" Luke asks.

"Why does your mum have to be gone? I come over all the time when she's around." I say.

"Yeah, but we'll be alone." Luke smirks.

"Luke, if we wanted to be alone then we could just go to my apartment." I laugh.

"Jeez May, i'm trying to be romantic here." He groans.

I giggle. "Sorry. Your place it is.

We pull up to the school and I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"I'll see you after school. I love you." Luke says as he kisses me goodbye.

"Love you more." I say as I step out of the car and shut the door behind me.

I walk into the school and go directly to my locker, Brooke is unfortunately at hers which is right beside mine. I bend down putting my coat inside and grabbing my first period binder.

"I still don't understand why Luke chose her over you. You're so much prettier." I hear one of Brooke's friends mumble to her.

I decide not to say anything to her. I don't want to start anything up, especially seeing as I graduate in less than three months.

"Right?" Brooke agrees with her friend as they scoff and walk off.

I roll my eyes as I shut my locker.

"May, I think you have something in your hair." Someone says from behind me.

I turn around to see Caroline. After having lunch with her that one time after everything happened with Brooke, we discovered we have a lot in common. We've become pretty good friends.

"Where?" I ask, running my hands through my hair.

"Bend your head down a little." Caroline says.

I bend my head down and feel Caroline take something off the top of my head.

"It's a crumbled up piece of paper." She says as she hands it to me.

I unfold the piece of paper to see Brooke's handwriting. Is she actually that childish that she would throw a piece of paper in my hair while I was bent down at my locker? I guess so.

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