You don't know what you to me

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Dynasty POV

I was driving Beverly Hills listening to B5 "You don't know" thinking about Patrick.

"You don't what you do to me between your eyes and smile your killin me" I sung.

"Hey I love this song" my niece Lola said.

"Well sing it!" I told her.

"Hey B5 had a lot of talent..." 

Lola is only 9 but she been here before she always have adult conversations and shit.

"What's up with Patrick?" she asked.

"Who?"  I asked her.

"Patrick from B5 don't play dumb!" she told me.

"Nothing" I said.

"You still like him? You going to do the nasty with him?" she asked.

"What hell you know about the nasty?" I asked her.

"Sex a man put his thing in a girl's coochie or butt hole" she told me.

Lola you something else knowing about sex and shit she probably going to lose her v card before me at the rate I'm going.

"My sister need to kick yo ass" I told her.

"Is his thing big?" she asked me.

"I never went on a date with him"

"Doesn't mean you haven't seen it" she told me.

"Watch your mouth!" I told her.

"You still be having those wet dreams huh?" Lola asked me.

"Who told you that?" I asked.

"I heard Hazel telling my mama..." she told me.

"Uh huh you really need to stay in a child's place" I told her.

I was at all mall holding Lola's hand and Patrick was walking by. I begin to blush and I saw that sexy ass face of his. 

"Hey Dynasty" he said. 

"Hey Patrick" I said.

"Who Patrick from B5? My auntie loves you she still has wets dreams about you..." Lola said before I covered her mouth.

I was embarrassed I wanted to run away and never look back.

"Lola please don't it!" I told her.

"I might be 9 1/2 but I know about sex and she wants it with you..." I covered her mouth.

"Sorry about that candy makes this girl hyper and all" I told him.

"It's okay she's a kid she probably doesn't know what she is saying" he told me.

"Yes I do I bet you not a virgin you sexy and all... she is" Lola told Patrick I covered her mouth.

"Bryan was like that too... don't worry" he told me.

"Sorry I had to take my niece out but her mouth can't stay in Gary, Indiana" I told Patrick.

Patrick POV

I think her having wet dreams about me is normal she is a virgin with raging hormones and all. I was like that before losing my virginity and all Lola is something else kind of like Bryan.

Happy Birthday Dustin Michael 

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