Chapter 5

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I got out of the hospital the next day. I had a ankle brace but all was good. Well except for my love life. Actually more like lack of love life. Pierce, the wonderful, beautiful, amazingly, mysterious, gorgeous boy was making my head spin. Just by the thought of him makes my knees turn to jelly but then there's Trevion. He's been so sweet and kind and ever since we had kissed it's been weird. I haven't sorted out what I felt for him.

Isaac picked me up at the hospital and told me that mom disappeared again .

"What's the reason this time?" I ask him.

"I don't even know. Yesterday she came home from work and immediately went straight to her room." he explains.

I nod my head. "Isaac?"

He meets my eyes in the mirror. "What's up baby sister?"

"This guy, he'd being weird." I tell him.

"What's his name?"

"More like names." I mutter. "It's Pierce Addington and Trevion Flores?"

He raises an eyebrow. "Trevion Flores? The one who looks like a bad boy?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I remember his name. I forgot why but he has something to do with..." he trails off. he waves his hand. "Ah, it'll come to me later."

I give him a suspicious look. "Alright... So we are going home right?"

"Yup." he says popping the p. "And you are going to invite this Trevion and Pierce guys over. Need to see if they are boyfriend material for my little sister."

I groaned. This is going to be hell.


I decided to only invite Pierce. I go online to Facebook and send him a message.

"My house at 5? It's 45 Rodeo Drive, Los Angeles, California."

He replies back. "Sure."

I log off and decide to take a shower? I look down at my cast. I've never broken anything or hurt any part of my body so I was new to this thing.

" I hope this is waterproof." I say to myself.

I turn on the shower and put on some music. The warm water welcomed my aching muscles and soothed my body.

"You shoot me down, but I don't fall, I am titanium." I sing quietly.

When I finished I wrap my towel around me and blew dried my hair. It was so thick an long that it took my forever. I checked the clock and it was already 3:00.

I hum to myself and search my closet for something cute to wear.

"Oh god." I say throwing a shirt one way. I find another one and make a face. "Definitely not." Then, I spotted it. "Aha!"

It was Marvel muscle tank. It was white and had the marvel symbol and characters on the front. I paired it with some distressed black shorts and converse. Next I winged my eyes and applied some mascara. I admired my reflection in the mirror.

"Totally tappable." I say to the mirror.

I was so weird.

I walked downstairs and saw Isaac setting up some food. My brother had a thing for cooking. Natural talent, didn't inherit from either of my parents thank god. Only thing my mom can cook is frozen foods and my dad. Forget about it.

I take a whiff of the air. "Something smells good."

He smiles. "Making penne ala vodka. Want a shot?"

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