Chapter 2

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Weird right. It's just like you've been locked up in your cupboard and never been let out . Well that's what Fating does too you. You see, I'm only 16 and I've already done something so make me fated.

The door opens and I see two people walking in. Doctors? Anyways they put some metallic thing on my chest and told me to breath. Then one of them says something about my Levo. He says "Kyla. Your Levo is a device on your hand that communicates with your brain and it tracks all your emotions , that when you get to 1.0 you will get knocked out. This will help you in the real world" he takes a breath and is about to say something else but I interrupt "the real world?" He looks at me "yes Kyla , did you think your going to stay here all your life. You only have 2 weeks until your going". I stare at him not knowing how to respond. The other, doctor? Just stood there writing in stuff onto this blank piece of paper. Then they leave.

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