Filch's Pimples

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Fred's POV

"Come on mate, leave the candies on the table!" Lee whispered and pushed me out the corner to the hall where Filch was usually waiting for us to appear. Luckily he went to use the bathroom just when we arrived. I looked at the box in my hands and moments from two days ago flashed in my mind. Ever since then we didn't share a word with Paige. I don't know why, but I believed that this time things will work out between us... she was just too scared or I don't know.
"Fred!" George yelled at me and I snapped out of my thoughts, leaving the box on the little table next to Filch's chair.
Returning back behind the corner the three of us waited for Filch to return and see what happens. We weren't disappointed... his whole face got covered with huge red pimples. Of course, he rushed to Umbridge's office and we all laughed after spreading the story, but there was one laughing face that I was missing.
I went to the library expecting her to be there. Of course I was going to tell her the story, but the real reason I went to look for her was just because I wanted to see her.
"Hahaha... owh, William... of course it will have a side effect, you haven't added Papermint to counteract side-effects." I heard her laughing voice echo in the library with joy.
I peeked from behind one of the shelves. Looking at the two of them made me feel as if a Dementor was around me, taking all of the happiness from me. Did she refuse to me because of him? I felt like breaking the shelve with my bare hands, but then my mind brought sense to me. The jealousy you felt towards her and Cedric's friendship brought you to this, Fred... don't do the same mistake. But how could I show her I've realized what I did wrong.
"Alright... check out my steps for the Felix Felicis potion then... I followed the book strictly, yet it didn't work." But before she could answer him her eyes moved up and met mine.
"Wait here, I'll go find a book that has a special chapter about the liquid luck." She pat his shoulder and walked towards the shelves I was hiding behind.
"Hello, Fred." She greeted with a slight smile, but it quickly faded away. "Care to explain why you are stalking me in the library?" Crossing her arms and looking at me seriously, made me swallow loudly.
"I-I wasn't..."
"Is that so? Then why are you hiding behind the shelves?"
"I wanted to tell you about Flich." She gave me a curious look asking me to continue and I did, telling her every detail of how and what happened. She burst out laughing after hearing the whole story, which dragged the snake's attention to us.
"Fred, I am sorry, but I am in the middle of something right now." I don't know how much I was showing my sadness, but she placed her palm on my cheek and turned my face so our eyes could meet. "I'll see you at dinner, alright?" Her smile gave me some sort of hope. Had she been thinking of what happened two days ago? Did she reconsider? I just nodded with my head, before she walked back to the table she was studying with William.
"There you are, I've been looking all over for you!" George called from behind me, making me turn around and leave the library. He noticed the expression on my face and looked from behind to spot Paige and William. "Let her go, lad... let her be." He placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me, but the thing was I didn't want to let go... simply because I was afraid she would never return to me.

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